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to comment on on a large amount of someones myspace/facebook pictures, therefor giving them a lot of notifications/ pictures to check,pissing them off.

I will "notification-rape" him by adding pointless comments to all of his " mexico 08" pictures, which will leave him pretty fucking pissed.

by myspace.com/filtereffect November 7, 2008

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rape sugar

A packet of sugar used to repell rapists, by throwing it in their faces, like they would cum on you.

Rapist: Get in my van im going to rape you
Lady Gaga: (pulls out rape sugar) take this bitch
Rapist: Ohhh my eyes (runs away)

by canadablowsusa August 13, 2010

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rape child

a child resulting from a rape.

when a woman gets pregnant with the child of her rapist the child is commonly known as a "rape child".

by the author with no name June 29, 2011

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Banging your old lady like a cheap, ugly, drug addicted hooker, but not quite as violent as rape. Afterward, you cuddle and whisper sweet nothings so she doesn't bitch later that you don't respect her; alternatively, you kiss her softly while performing the violent sex.

Inbetween love-rapings, you strategically plan one or two sweet, slow, boring love-making sessions to avoid random crying spells and nagging from your bitch that you "don't respect her".

After love-raping my girlfriend of 4 years, I whispered "I wuv you squishy-buns!"

by UrbanRicki July 21, 2009

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vape rape

When inhaling a large amount of Mary Jane from a vape she bends you over and has her way. Usually more than intended.

Josh: (cough from hell for five minutes) Fuck dude I just got vape raped.

by Joomanji February 14, 2012

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Team Rape

1. Whilst playing a competitive game of Pro Evolution Soccer with your three friends on the same team as you, all must annihilate the twonk with the ball.

2. A group of four sexual deviants causing "trouble"

Yo, lets team rape that guy over there. S**t I think he heard us.

by Godtothemaximumness December 7, 2010

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Facebook rape

When facebook "upgrades" a service that you were used to and comfortable with and forces you to permanently use a new, less convenient one with no say in the matter.
This violation is reoccurring and requires no consent on the part of the facebook user.

Also, facebook has no actual support service so complaints of facebook rape go unanswered (sort of like claims of rape in certain neighborhoods in Camden New Jersey)

Shit! The latest facebook rape combined my photo selection, message manager, and poke button into a new clusterfuck of programming that keeps stalling and shutting down! Fuck you Zukerberg!

by pandaninja May 23, 2011

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