when you melt jolly ranchers in a glass to form a mold and than crack it in your ass.
hey dude! I had left over Halloween candy and decided to give my self a glass jolly rancher.
Nobody seems to get that this is a prison term. The inmates move to areas of the dorm where the officer can't see to fight/smoke/get high. When someone is to be jumped beat up and or forced out of the dorm they are put 'on glass' in that they are either beat up right in front of the officer or told to get 'on glass' in that they have to go to the glass and tell the officer that they fear for their life and have to be taken out of the dorm.
That is called being 'put on glass' This was bastardized by idiots who made it 'on blast' which is dumb and means nothing.
Being put on glass is being humiliated or called out publicly, it has nothing to do with recording or blast.
Democrats put on glass/blast for impeaching Biden with no evidence of a crime.
Glasses worn by some chick who’s either really cool or super lame no in between not the OG scoop apparel but still pretty rad
Wow she’s wearing scoop glasses she MIGHT be chill but hard telling.
Someone who is tall, wears black a lot, and is depressed
You look like "A tall glass of emo depression"
Wearing Minecraft glasses means u get hella bitches and rizz.
“Wow! Lisa has Minecraft glasses on. She must have Rizz and bitches!”
The act of squinting your eyes to reduce potential injury instead of wearing proper eye protection.
"Before you cut that rebar you'd better put on some eye protection"
"I cant find mine, I'll just use my Chinese safety glasses, I'll be fine"
Someone who eats a LOT of chocolate croissants.
"She's made of art and broken glass"