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A person that eats, shoots and leaves

Verb - To panda, to eat her, shoot in her and leave

Origin - Glastonbury 2022

I panda'd a lass at Glastonbury. In the green peace area.

by Jack Fry September 15, 2022


An irreverent term used to describe a gay Middle Eastern man-bear who’s into Asian men.

My friend Charbs is into a cute Asian guy named Malc.

Charbs is such a Panda.

by PandaBearBearPanda January 24, 2020


Panda is the greatest nigga of all time


by PANDAMYNIGGA December 3, 2020


when someone hasn't had sex for over 4 weeks (one month)

'omggg next week u are gona be a panda unless u have sex this weekend'

by ket123 November 27, 2018


Panda means a girl who wears really bad makeup and thinks she is very cool but actually has no friends :)

-Omg She is such a panda!

by Unknown Jokes February 27, 2017


A holy and sacred animal put on this earth so that we would be happy. They sit on their butts most of the day eating bamboo like in the picture below . However, these sacred animals population is decreasing and they are on the verge of extinction. We have to save these pandas so we can forever admire their cuteness or else they One True Panda God will unleash his wrath.

Panda UwU

by Bitkrin November 22, 2019


A kid that grew up during the pandemic and is socially awkward.

“She’s so awkward
It’s because she’s a panda

by rach99706 January 15, 2023