Hang out outside of Japanese themed bars in the north east.
Often asks for weed
In desperate need of a banjo player
Hey I met Zebular Albert South the other day. He asked if I had any weed.
I huge mound of turd that when freshly deposited into a toilet piles up above the water level, much like the way the South Pacific islands were formed from lava piling up from undersea volcanoes.
This phenomena I more frequently occurs in the newer, low water usage toilets. As an added touch, you can plant a small flag on top of it to claim it as yours.
I just found a South Pacific Island in the crapper. It's still steaming.
Taking large amounts of cocaine on the regular. Very common in Southern Florida, the rehab capital of the US, which is how the name came about. Snorting cocaine is as common as the flu.
Sally - She looks really strung out from the weekend
Bob - Yeah, she has that South Florida Flu
AKA the pharmacy; Filled with a bunch of drug dealers, racist white kids, rich snobs, and just a few normal people. You can’t open a door without getting in trouble and you get detention for forgetting your id. The security guards all have sticks up their asses and water comes out of the ceiling. Don’t forget about the birds who visit. They care more about money and success than students safety so they make everyone come in when the roads are icy enough to kill someone.
Principal: Yeah so it’s a blizzard outside but you guys have to come in and take an Algebra 2 test anyway!
Kids: *Crash car*
Principal: Detention for being late
Kids: We love eastport south manor!
From an Antebellum family of means, wealthy due to the pre-war between the states circumstances. Plantation owner descendants. Family circumstances most likely result in connections, both political and influential throughout the area where the plantation exist(ed).
That Belle is Old South White, her family owned a great deal of land used for cropping before the Civil War. Southern Royalty is considered Old South White.
Manners, attire, and manner of speech all contriubute to defining one as Old South White.
When you do a handstand with a lighter in your butthole while having an aerosol can spraying towards the lighter.
Dude hold my beer I'm gonna do a down south blowtorch to light the bonfire yee yee.
south side creepers a guild and a Mexican crew. its also an online tv station
im proud to be part of the SOUTH SIDE CREEPERS GUILD and MEXICAN CREW thats known as south side creepers or s.s.c.