Two women have a staring contest while another woman will fart directly at their faces (mostly with her bare butt sticking out), the main point of the game is to not get distracted by the smell.
"Sally and Melissa were playing Stinky Staring the another day"
"Oh really? Who won?"
"Kathy, she ate too much Taco Bell for lunch"
"No wonder why the living room smells like rotten eggs"
When you give a girl a mint before oral sex.
"Had to give Debbie that stinky bitch fix, couldn't stand the stench.."
Reference to a penis after anal sex
"Ew get your stinky clog away from me"
When blow a load in a chick the night before and the next morning before she showers she asks you to go down on her and her snatch looks like corned beef and stinks like rotten sauer kraut.
I tapped that chick last night but this morning she made me eat a stinky reuben!
someone that steals other people's money, but not without blocking them beforehand
boy: wtf my bank account has been like drained wtf happened
girl: oh you probably got stinky jessued
The act of the stinky Tommy is when one person (usually male) sneaks a live insect of any kind into an orrifice of an unsuspecting or sleeping partner.
'I thought I was with a gentleman last night until he pulled a stinky Tommy on me with a cicada. '