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woodland hills high school

A ghetto school with a fuck ton of stoners. Theirs also really chill security guards. The busses are packed and they smell like weed and cologne or just straight blunts. Don't forget about the fights and the shootings that happen in connection with our class mates. But there is a really good side of the schools students because most of them are cool asf but people are defensive. I would still say send your kid here because it'll get them ready for the real world and not be so soft. But with that... penn hills K

i go to woodland hills high school.

by mt Rushmore's nostril September 15, 2023

High Blood Pressure And Hypertension Are Perianal abscesses That Morph Into A Cystic Lesion


High Blood Pressure And Hypertension Are Perianal abscesses That Morph Into A Cystic Lesion

by Abreathofaversaillian March 1, 2025


A manner of greeting, vigorous and with anticipation to make conversation for a little bit.

Hey-high, haven't seen you in a while. I've missed you, let's do drinks later

by Inkling October 16, 2019

Discovery High School

An alternative school located in Widefield School District 3, right next to Widefield High School. Known as the "bad kid" school of the district, as the kids that go here were expelled from previous schools, lack credits, or have behavioral issues. Everyone here vapes, does drugs, smokes, and drinks alc. The bathrooms smell like vape juice 24/7 and the musty kids here smell like weed too. The losers at your school are the cool ones here. If you don't do the above, (vape, drugs, smoke, drink alc) you're seen as a loser. Being smart is embarrassing here and uncommon. Good luck with group projects, nobody puts in any effort here and everyone has below average IQ here. Staff members are all clannish and talk shit about the less popular kids. (AKA the kids that won't end up in prison in the next 10 years). The kids here throw up fours and act like they're part of gangs. Everyone here has some type of blaccent and claims they have "hoes." When the only hoes they have are the type everyone has to water their lawn.

Evan: What school do you go too?

Salvador: I go to Discovery High School.

Evan: Damn, so you're a loser and a societal fuck up?

Salvador: Ya.

Evan: I'm playing bro. Let's touch cocks tonight!

by jasmineoliviayale July 24, 2022

Exeter High School

A high school located in New Hampshire that has a really good community of students and teachers with decently rigorous classes. The school mascot is a Blue Hawk. Not to be confused with Phillips Exeter Academy

“Where did you go to high school?”
“I went to Exeter High School!”

by Awkward Comma November 12, 2018

HSBO (High School Block Out)

High School Block Out: When one with purpose hits the mental control/alt/delete to block out not so great memories or simply to remove clutter from the brain to store more useful information.

Another sentence scenario a former certain someone (name not to be mentioned) tries to friend you on FB and you receive this message "so and so wants to be your friend on FB" Reply "I'm sorry who are you again, I HSBO'd a shit load of ppl from HS and I can't seem to recall you, so you must have been deleted from my hard drive as being either A) unimportant or B) clutter; now which category do you fall under because now I'm going to have to dig up my yearbook".

In a sentence "Hey, do your remember me I was in Speech with you"? Me, "Umm, no I not only HSBO (High School Block Out) you, but I HSBO'd Speech Class altogether, now piss off".

Another scenario a former classmate tries to friend you on FB and you receive this message "so and so wants to be your friend on FB" Reply "I'm sorry who are you again, I HSBO'd a lot of ppl from HS and I can't seem to recall you, so you must have been deleted from my hard drive as being either A) unimportant or B) clutter; now which category do you fall under because now I'm going to have to dig up my yearbook".

by Reverse Aging August 27, 2012

Cooperative High School

full of angry Negros douche bag guitar players, Bitches have herpes it just sucks... never go here =

bob;where do you go?
DAY@DAY;cooperative high school

by rawr2mawrt March 15, 2009