Derived from Jamaican slang meaning burn (kill)
I hear you and anto were involved in the the death of leeqz so i bunned him
When someone looks particularly ugly
Person 1: Wow, I'm talking to this girl called Beth! I think she's really pretty.
Person 2: Nah fam, she's bun.
To share something of yours with others
James: Will you bun me some food?
Jack: yeah sure mate
a toke or go of a vape or joint etc
boy: pass a bun of tha
boy: gwed g its gonna die though
When something is weird, sucks, trash, bad, or disgusting.
homie 1 - "Yo did you see that dudes fit."
homie 2 - "Yuh it was bunsssss."
homie 1- "real"
homie 1 and 2 - *laughs in homie*
buns is a slang term for your girlfriends thicc juicy ass in which holds in between those two voluptuous cheeks is the badusy
hey look at the chick with massive buns