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Derived from Jamaican slang meaning burn (kill)

I hear you and anto were involved in the the death of leeqz so i bunned him

by Freddie pie September 12, 2018


When someone looks particularly ugly

Person 1: Wow, I'm talking to this girl called Beth! I think she's really pretty.
Person 2: Nah fam, she's bun.

by Napa313 June 10, 2019


To share something of yours with others

James: Will you bun me some food?
Jack: yeah sure mate

by MelonEater47 November 9, 2019


A BUN is a back up nigga.

My boyfriend caught me with my bun today 😬

by Yours truly 😗✌️🏽 August 9, 2019


a toke or go of a vape or joint etc

boy: pass a bun of tha
boy: gwed g its gonna die though

by CheefSheath November 4, 2022


When something is weird, sucks, trash, bad, or disgusting.

homie 1 - "Yo did you see that dudes fit."
homie 2 - "Yuh it was bunsssss."
homie 1- "real"

homie 1 and 2 - *laughs in homie*

by picklertickler112 March 4, 2023


buns is a slang term for your girlfriends thicc juicy ass in which holds in between those two voluptuous cheeks is the badusy

hey look at the chick with massive buns

by assslayer69 your mom November 8, 2021