Source Code

chest potatoes


Wow I need some baby gravy on your chest potatoes

by Pornopoet May 12, 2016

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Potato Wifi

To have either Irish or really crappy Wifi

Dude, you're slowing the whole server down with your potato Wifi

by Zach Steber September 12, 2017

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Sweet Potato

A person who applies so much makeup that they begin to appear the bright orange color of a Sweet Potato. This either results from too much of a bad spray tan or just the wrong shade of foundation. The levels of severity range from Category 1 (only a slight orange hue) to Category 10 (the exact color of a sweet potato).

"Did you see Katherine"
"Yeah, she's a Category 9 Sweet Potato"

by psdnym February 4, 2015

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potato cake

the pancake version of mashed potatoes which is used after thanksgiving when there is an excess amount of mashed potatoes left over

Well looks like we are gonna make us up a potato cake tonight since we have a fridge full of mashed potatoes

by madison davis November 26, 2005

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Maybe yes or maybe no

Bob: Do you like chips ?
Steve: Potato-Potatoh

by DaBowz April 25, 2016

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Sweet potato

Sweet potato can also be known as Ashley. She is not a food, no no no she is a snake. Kind of funny. VERY overly sensitive.

Sweet potato is NOT a food

by Jdjdjejdudn March 16, 2019

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potato queen

GAM's (Gay Asian Males) that are only attracted to White guys (GWM - Gay White Males). Whilst some people conclude that Potato Queens hate themselves, I disagree. I mean to say, do butch straight guys hate themselves because they go out with girls who are feminine? No Way! If we look at nature, there is a genetic advantage in seeking a partner that is different from yourself. So under the covers we are looking for some difference, in one form or another.

Potato Queens are more positive thinking than Rice Queens, until someone tells them they hate themselves (... ah the power of suggestion).

by smileclick January 24, 2007

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