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Capital Simp

Someone who is subservient to the capitalist class and will defend and serve them at all costs for just the possibility of a crumb of capital.

Synonymous with "bootlicker"

"oh here's Tim comes again to the defense of Disney even though they're refusing to pay 100,000 of their workers, what a capital SIMP"

by Noramonicom April 22, 2020

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Simp Shrimp

A short ass simp that looks like a shrimp

All of class of 2023 are simp shrimps (verb)

The senior beat the simp into a simp shrimp paste (noun)

by digo_bone October 18, 2019

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Simp bucks

The modern brownie points

For simps

Bob: Alice I brought you flowers and made your laundry
Alice: that'll get you some simp bucks. Nerd

by TCPizza June 16, 2020

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

No Simp October

A challenge where GIRLS aren't allowed to simp for any being on this earth including fictional characters for the whole October

Girl 1: Hey have you heard of joseph ?! he’s soo cute
Girl 2: Girl you just failed no simp October

Girl 1: What’s that about ?
Girl 2: You can't simp during October girl. It's no simp October for us girls now!

by simp not a pimp September 3, 2020

241πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž

Simp shaming

when someone insults or shames you for simping over a person/character

"damn! Lilly simps for gon in Hunter x Hunter? What a looser she's so stupid and gay πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ "

"Guys stop simp shaming me 😒😒"

by pee pee fish July 17, 2020

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Teddy Simp

A type of person named teddy that gets cucked by women constantly and fails to kiss them at least 4 times

me:teddy go kiss anna you have wanted to for so long
teddy: hugs her
me:teddy simp

by Notepicsimplol January 22, 2020

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Alpha Simp

A person who's an alpha chad and gets all the girls, then hardcore simps for them.

Dude got all the grills, then puts hoes before bros. He's actually an alpha simp.

by Professor Potato May 1, 2020

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