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Kentucky thumb

Rare weapon wielded by extra buff attractive Kentucky men. Once placed into your neck you are invincible for two hours and deal 5000 attack damaged to eggplants. It's commonly used during sexual activities, such as when the thumb is placed in the butt it quadruples its size and can hold back 60psi, Impressive!

I tried to blow my Damm but I found another Kentucky thumb.

by TrexDeer May 20, 2021

Kentucky Thumb

Shoving your thumb deep into yourself or another person with a lot of force, can be in a sexual or life saving situation

Brandon - Man, you don't look so good
Scott - Yeah, when my girlfriend gave me a Kentucky Thumb last night

by qwertybears280 May 20, 2021

Kentucky thumb

A meme of a sexual move where you stick your thumb in a hole

Kentucky ballistics had to do the Kentucky thumb to his throat”

by For the meme May 21, 2021

Kentucky Thumb

Sticking your thumb in her ass while eating that sweet sweet pussy.

Bro I gave her a Kentucky Thumb last night and she came so hard

by Durban Bictionary May 20, 2021

Kentucky thumb

Using your thumb to plug a an orifice after a cream pie

I had to use the Kentucky thumb to stop fun from getting everywhere

by Chrnc May 20, 2021

Kentucky Thumb

When your girl is bleeding from her lady bits and you stop the bleeding with your thumb.

She was having a monster period so I gave her the Kentucky Thumb

by AlmightyWam May 20, 2021

Kentucky thumb

Shoving your thumb In your partner's anus and screaming "lock and load"

Oh you want that Kentucky thumb after dinner?

by Lildick690 May 20, 2021