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hot money

If China is a well paid bimbo, then hot money is her claim to fuckin’ fame. Hot money from short-term, high-interest seeking stags have made her communism's most visited piece of ass.

It’s amazing how quickly hot money quadrupled his capital investment and America’s financial STDs.

by marshamartian May 10, 2011

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hot diesel

A female with definate, and pronounced good looks. An excentuated version of the popular phrase 'diesel', but the added 'hot' gives the added bonus of a lovely mental image, and stirring simily.

"Damn, since Megs been going to the gym, she's hot diesel"

by Greg Deaco April 30, 2006

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Hot nigga

A guy that is usually in a gang that is not afraid of anything. He will do anything he wants with no fear of repercussions and consequences. Has no fear of going to jail and would do ANYTHING for the gang.

Im such a hot nigga I just shot an old lady and I didn’t even give a fuck.
I ain’t scared of going to jail bitch, I’m a hot nigga.
I’m such a hot nigga I’ll kill for the gang.

by Really depressed Student 247 May 5, 2020

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phone hot

Someone who sounds attractive over the phone, but is fugly in person.

The lady at the bank is phone hot.

by P-Sheezy January 15, 2007

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Hot Kity

The act of holding your left testicle with your right hand and holding the breast of a woman from Kansas City with your left hand. At the same time having non-consensual intercourse with two asian girls(or guys).

Bob: Hey Jim, how was the weekend?
Jim: On saturday I met up with my ex from Kansas City.
Bob: What for?
Jim: We have been wanting to try out the Hot Kity!
Bob: Oh I see, where did you order your asians from?
Jim: North Korea was having a 2 for 1 sale.
Bob: Nice.

by Nicholas Zombie March 28, 2010

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Hot Bitch

A girl so fucking hot that it makes you crazy that you can't Viri her right there n then

Damn she one hot bitch

by starburst lover May 16, 2019

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hot breath

When someone’s breath is so bad you can’t be near them

“That girl got some {hot breath I’m telling ya. Did someone put her Colgate on top of the Statue of Liberty.”

by Meemie K May 1, 2018

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