My wife. My baby pemguin. She always look beautiful in my eyes. She don't have to do anything for me to love her. I just do. i love every little thing about her.
I love the whole you.
I love you endlessly.
I'm always sure of you. And although I'm aware that it's still early to oath for something's uncertain, yet, I am certain of having you for a lifetime. And one day, I will marry you.
I love you, AC. mwaaa
Abbreviation for Ass Chest, self-explanatory.
You don’t need a bench press to get a dripping AC.
When you take the first and last letter of macy or Mary's name
Ex. Take the first and last letter away from Macy's name it would be ac.
Refers to those fucking dicks who think its funny to use a macro because they can even butterfly or jitter clicking. Mainly found in minecraft. Telltale signs of an AC user are :
Breezily bridges everywhere and, when called out, claims that they “just drag click”
Diagonal godbridges one block at a time
Shitty aim
Randomly blocks sword
Player 1 (during bedwars game): oOmg your a stupid AC you idiot im reporting
Player 2: nO HaCKs jUsT dRAg cLiCKiNg
Player 2 proceeds to get destroyed by player 1
Player 2: oMG sToP aUtOCliCkINg!!1!!!!1!!1!1