"Well dip my dick in a cup of hot water!, I haven't see you in years!"
A saying that signifies absolute disbelief
Well Stick My dick in a Pickle Jar and call it Kevin, that's crazy.
Elliot Wells is a mystical creature that lurks in the depths of a true rhyope session. He can be tamed by cans of scrumpy jack and by constant supply of a high mg sisha liquid alongside a premium vaping device *beware he can be hostile*
Leave a trail of scrump and we might catch an Elliot wells tonight
something so rare as to be effectively hypothetical. Far more difficult to find than a needle in a haystack but not quite as preposterous as finding a sasquatch or extra terrestrial.
I’m totally gonna win the lotto tonight!
Yeah? And imma find a well dressed professor!
Long dicked. Having a dick long as a well rope. Making them a well roper.
That well roper walk in the shower and embarrassed everyone else.
It's like when ur saying "Well to bad" but it's "Well top doodle
Person A: I can't go out tonight
Person B: Well top doodle!