The name given to a person who is ambitious and bold but throws it all a way for older men
That girl is a Kiera .E
One of the best friends you can have. Has fluffy hair and is very competitive. He is a great swimmer but is mainly a backstroker. But ryan will never beat afsana at backstroke bc she is awesome. Ryan wants to steal simba but never will. He is an understanding person who will make you happy. You should always value friendships if your friends with someone named ryan. If it’s slap an idiot day slap ryan.
Ryan tries to steal fluffy butt, but never will.
Ryan can try to beat afsana in backstroke at Greensboro but never will.
If you see someone with fluffy curly hair it is Ryan E.
Every tweet, email, text, or similar electronic method of communitcating kills a virtual tree or otherwise known as an "e-tree"
Long ago people use to talk on a phone or sometimes even in person where emotion and sarcasm are more easily detected. These new age versions of communication often poorly sum up emotion and jokes in phrases like "lol" and ":)p"
You have a choice so get off your iphone and computer and call your friend
i hate reading an e-tree and call me
i -doink :noun: The mix between a Juul and a blunt.
A term also used if you don't want to identify the thing you are talking about.
"Aye, bro let me rip your e-doink"
"bro this e-doink has 70% THC in it"
"I wish I could rip my e-doink right now"
A practice that involves a group of men ejaculating on one person, usually a woman, via explicitly sexual opening messages on online dating and social media sites.
Jennifer could not believe the torrent of e-bukkake awaiting her in her OkCupid inbox after work yesterday.
Steve: Wow, Tiffany has such a huge e-harem
Brad: Yeah, it's just weird that they're all Canadian.
A notorious gangsta rapper. The 2nd part of a rap group also containing the notorious gangsta rapper C-Dub.
Damn, I wish I was E-Dizzle.
E-Dizzle is hot.