Source Code

Bless My Phone

When a male asks a female to "bless his phone" He is asking for booty pics.

Jane, bless my phone please.

by Nova009 January 20, 2016

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cell phone behavior

Behavior that is associated with cell phone users. Symptoms noted are talking aimlessly about nothing when conversing live with another person, deathlike appearance, selfishishness, delusions of grendeur, bleeding mouth syndrome, incurable diarhhea of the brain, "I'm so beautiful" syndrome, and "My life is so way important can't you see" syndrome.

Vrin: What happened to Sally Sue. She's in a nursing home.
Jadu: Why?
Vrin: She was permanently committed by society because of her cell phone behavior. Doc took away her cell phone. She's in restraints now and had her mouth permanently sewn shut.

by jethrojones November 15, 2007

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bless my phone

send nudes!!

bless my phone kayla

by apps54 September 3, 2020

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mexican cell phone

The horn of a car.
More specifically, the act of parking in front of the house of someone that you are picking up and blasting the horn to let them know you are there.
Implies that you are too cheap/broke to get a real cell phone.

"Dude, man.. Whoever is in front of apartment A needs to lay off his Mexican cell phone. It's 6:30a.m. That shit is annoying!"

by U. Dontneedthat May 4, 2008

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fork and phone pic

A method for verifying one's authenticity when posting or trading pictures with others on the internet. One party requests you supply a picture while holding 2 common household items (most often a fork and phone) to verify it is really your picture. Also see fork and phone list: an official list of people who have posted fork and phone pics.

Ever since I posted my fork and phone pic and made the fork and phone list, everyone wants to post and trade pics with me.

by Grouchomarx April 29, 2006

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Flesh Ear-phones

Flesh Ear-phones is a term used for when a woman is sitting on a mans' face during oral sex and her thighs surround his head, smothering sound like ear-phones do. Sometimes, this term is dramatized by saying that the oral sex lasted for so long that the person giving it is for a long time unable to hear.

Perry: " Dude have you been listening to me?!"
Frank: " Sorry man, I went down on Judy last night and I got flesh ear-phones"

by Frankietown October 24, 2009

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Kids Help Phone

A Canadian counseling and referral hotline for youth between ages 5 and 20. It is free, anonymous and confidential (when you call, the number won't show up on most land line phone bills), open 24/7, and staffed by professional counselors who will listen to you in a non-judgmental way and offer insight into your situation. Kids Help Phone counselors are trained to respond to all types of questions and concerns, from body image to friendships, from suicide to bullying, and many, many more in between.

Youth living in Canada can call anytime (1-800-668-6868) or post a message on the Kids Help Phone Website (www.kidshelpphone.ca).

Kids Help Phone also offers a community service program called Kids Help Phone Student Ambassadors, where youth are trained in leadership, public speaking and fund raising.

Whatever the problem, you can call Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868. Go ahead and talk, the counselors can only help you!

Please don't prank Kids Help Phone. Children in crisis situations are in desperate need of a listening ear and the counselors want to help them as fast as possible.

by KHP SA May 17, 2009

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