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Holy fuck this dude knows how to party. Whether it’s mucking barn or suckin titty, this guy gets chicks. And nose beers?? C’MON BABY!! Invented em.

Holy fuck that shop vac looks like AP. Looked about 6’5”. Schneefing drywall all day. THE FUTTIN MAN

by Mintychockybicky November 23, 2021


An asian fellow and funny,the guy likes dark humour and can be funny.He can offend ur sex,religion,and race.
Be sure to say go kill you're self when he thinks you're annoying

Random guy:Dead chat xd
Ap:go kill you're self

by femboy102 January 10, 2021


most beautiful, precious girl that all mans want. but she rlly likes to curve them, bc she only sees herself with one person.

Wow, that shordy rlly is an ap!

by DaDDie101 February 14, 2019


it means absolutely pussy.

Tasha: “yo Bella I heard you wanted to fight”
Bella: “no I dont”
Tasha: “yo your ap

by biggangstab. April 29, 2019


cutest ever, my soulmate, the absolute love of my life.

His charm is too extreme to resist, he's such an Ap!

by pretentiousass November 24, 2021


King of Owls

Her AP

by GoobeMunde September 6, 2017


AP is an abbreviation for After Party. There is typically an AP after a formal event such as Prom or a Wedding.

The actual abbreviation is typically used by teenagers while the full word is used by aged people.

Hey man, you gonna go to Jordans AP?

by Teh McSwagger April 3, 2018