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the best girlfriend ever

She understands insecurity and reassures me before I have a chance to feel insecure. She takes pleasure in making me happy. She is exceptional at balancing my "male ego". She lets me be a man while retaining her female independence. She shares the things she holds most dear. I don't believe she is aware that I see the walls she has around her heart. But I do see them and that she is slowly letting me in. She's been hurt before and despite some fear she is willing to love and to be loved. She sees the light in the world but accepts the dark. She has a view on things that I'm nearly incapable of having on my own. She constantly opens my eyes to them. She is full of random facts and shares them. She's a bit nerdy. She uses some words I have to look up. She knows her weaknesses and plays to her strengths to combat them. She sees solutions rather than problems. She isn't quick to anger. She isn't quick to judge. She isn't quick to assume. She debates with a mind open to change and admits when she is wrong. She can laugh at herself and does so often. She truly is a unique beauty in a sea of ordinary. She smiles and I melt. She pouts and i give in. She laughs and I laugh. She cries because she is sad and I hold her tight and just let her cry. She is a light in this world and will forever change the people she meets. She is fierce and determined.Why do I spoil her? Because she deserves it. She always has and always will. She is Jenny E...the best girlfriend ever.

He knows exactly how lucky he is to have the best girlfriend ever

by Happy Rambo December 20, 2017

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best girl friend

*Not to be confused with "one of the guys" or "girlfriend"

The girl who befriends the wierd kid with pink hair, ACDC shirts, and floppy skate shoes in middle school. The girl who is completely unaware that this awkward, scrawny kid will eventually become the guy of her dreams. The girl that thinks she's just being nice but all the sudden realizes she's not just nice, but lucky. As time goes on she realizes she has become his "bro" and, in his eyes, is no longer a specimin in his dating pool. She has to act as though she's interested in hearing him ramble on about the hott girl he met in physics or the 'totally sick' new deathcore band he just downloaded on to his iPhone1700. The girl who has to sit there and watch him snuggle up with another chick who looks just like her and pretend she has no idea that she's the third wheel. She's the girl who when she says she's 'confused' on where their relationship stands and he pulls something out of his ass like:

"Oh, I know how the lines can get blurred sometimes. It's cool dude."

- (as if you had just apologized)

Being the "best girl friend" is almost like being the average looking sidekick to the sexy super hero. Sure, it's awesome to be seen with him...but who ever notices her? She's the girl who wants what she can't have and the boy...is all too oblivious.

You're my best girl friend, dude. Our relationship is awesome. Why would you want to screw that up?

by kickdrumcam014 September 8, 2010

61๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

True Best Friend

a.) Anyone who would sit outside on a balconie with you, in the cold, in pajamas, in Gatlinburg, in February, who would be there for you, know exactly what to say, and to just listen while you tell random stories involving chocolate Frosty's and cry your eyes out.

b.) Anyone who would buy you a teddy bear every Valentine's day because they know how much you love teddy bears.

c.) Anyone who would shove themselves in the back corner of a bus just so that y'all could sit together, just to then have to spend 9 consecutive hours being annoyed by you.

d.) Anyone who can take your insults and find an even better one to throw back at you

e.) Ellia

Ellia is my true best friend and I wouldn't trade that for the world.

by SophieFox February 21, 2016

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Shitty personal best

An individual is engaged in a strenuous activity and finds himself/herself in GI distress and on verge of defecating on oneself during said activity; individual still completes activity or event in a respectable time frame or other measurement. Used mostly when referring to athletic endeavor.

Runner: yo bitches I was cruising in my relay race on the A1A and rolling so hard I nearly shit my pants; unfortunately I had to ease up. Still ran a good time, it's my new shitty personal best.

Teammates: you better get yourself to a port a potty ASAP before you actually shit yourself. Just saying.

by OG Baby Giraffe January 9, 2011

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The Best Teacher Ever

Someone who enlightens you, guides you to the fountain of knowledge, who is funny, kind, & will make you laugh, who understands your problems & will try to help you solve them.

The best teacher will help you, guide you, but not force you to do anything. They push you to your limits but not too far, they praise your hard work & yet provide you with constructive criticism to aid your success.

You may experience a certain level of awkward infatuation around these teachers..

Girl: My French teacher is possibly the Best Teacher Ever!

Best Friend: God I swear you have some kind of awkward infatuation with the guy, he's not that great!!!

Teacher: ...


by BadAssGirl December 22, 2013

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best sex ever

Two extreemly hot people fucking like lovers while eating spiced meat.

Laure and Zach had the best sex ever on Jan. 18th 2004 at 4am.

by zach January 23, 2004

130๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best post ever

When people type long nonsensical stuff on forums, comments, aim profiles etc...

I really hate coconut juice. I don't know why everybody likes it, whenever I'm at my friends house he always asks me to fetch him a can of coconut juice and I always think "I wonder if artificial coconut juice tastes good" and which brings me to the point of me thinking if artificial coconut juice really exists. Does it? And why do people make artificial flavours? Why can't they get the natural fruit in the drink. It's pretty easy, all you need to do is go to Dracula's house and ask him for some fruits like oranges. Then take the oranges and give them to Dracula and voila, orange juice. I once did a report on Dracula for my English teacher then she gave me an F for science. Today's society is filled with racist English teachers and artificial flavours. If you've ever noticed that artificial flavoured drinks never have pulp. Pulp Fiction are one of the greatest films ever made in the whole unvierse. Directed by Quentin Tarantino. Have you noticed that Quentin sounds like a artificial drink of some kind? I'm thirsty, ever been in the desert and you craved for water? I sure have, you see things called mirages, I'm sure you've heard of these. Have you been to the casino Mirage? I haven't but it looks cool. It's so hot right now. This room isn't cold enough, I need ice. You know Ice Cube? The rapper? He's the shittiest actor but a good rapper. What kind of crap is that? How do you feel about death metal? I remember Mitch Hedberg said in his one comedy show "My death metal band was called Injured" At least that's what I thought what he said. I got injured trying to handlebar ride. My ankle got involved and it hurt real bad. So yeah.... thank you for your time.

That's my Best post ever

by asdf asdf blah blah blah August 23, 2006

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