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Bard College

A school for artsy fucks who like to maintain the notion that they go to a highly regarded liberal arts institution. Textbooks at Bard are used primarily as surfaces to rail lines of coke from. The college itself is in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere. This is disregarded by many, as it is on the east coast, and thus "hip". 98% of Bard graduates go on to live in Brooklyn and "work in the arts".

A: Hey, man, I'm thinking about applying to Bard College.
B: I couldn't willingly approve of your decision and still call myself your friend. I met two Bard fucks named Jakee and Izaak who seemed like total dick-bags, and good representations of the school itself. Picture, if you will, the epitome of hipster: Tight pants, loves Beach House, is "in a band", and loves to "make art" (not any art of high high esteem, mind you. (think print-making)).

by kok'n'ballz December 11, 2009

78๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž

edgewater college

A game on ROBLOX that is very boring. All you do is re in act your boring school life but in a game full of admin abusers and noobs.

Jim: Hey, you coming to edgewater college?

Bob: Nah, too many noobs

by BlahJason February 11, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Art College

A place where:

1. They overcharge you to learn things on your own.
2. Play youtube tutorials on a large projector or upload videos to you.
3. Go over material too fast outside of youtube tutorials.
4. Expect you to buy over-priced books you will never be required to use.
5. Force you to retake those ridiculous general education classes from high-school all over again.
6. 99% of them wont give you real world experience with clients during your stay.
7. Waste your time by giving you 90% of class time to work in class when you could just work from home for free.
8. Teachers who don't know an answer to your question will tell you to google for the answer.

Then after you can't find a job in the field because it's a rough industry, good luck on paying off your debt. Art college is something you should never go to. Build up your profile, learn from youtube tutorials, and get to meet people in the industry on your own time, and save yourself 4 years of your life and $50,000.

The Illinois Institute of Art - Schaumburg
Or any other art college

by Mr. Whiskers the Brave March 26, 2013

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Williams College

A small, pretentious, and overpriced liberal arts college in Western Massachusetts. Founded in 1793, the college president and students soon left following a financial crisis (and after realizing that Williamstown was too far removed from civilization); they went on to found Amherst College in 1821. Amherst's superiority has been childishly disputed ever since. Williams students tend to tout rankings from an independent magazine only relevant to upper middle class students, as well as their record in the long standing Amherst v. Williams football rivalry. Although Williams football does have the winning record in the annual Homecoming contest, the adminsitration pays the price by spending more on athletics than Amherst. The students also pay the price by having no social life, their time taken up by practice or studying. Williams students are notoriously poor at holding alcohol, and tend to lack basic interpersonal skills.

1: Dude, Williams College is ranked number one liberal arts college again this year!
2: Ah, another excuse for them to suck each other's dicks.

by Masshole1987 October 29, 2006

381๐Ÿ‘ 749๐Ÿ‘Ž

smith college

for the most part, they are agressive lesbians. some aren't actually gay though.

You got a resume from a smith college grad? she's probably a sociopathic lez with a boyfriend.

by college expert man December 3, 2006

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marist college

Marist College (formerly known as St. Ann's Normal Training School and later on Marian College after a dormitory of the same name), was founded by a French Catholic religious order called the Marist Brothers of the Schools. It received its 4 year college charter in 1946 under the leadership of Brother Paul Ambrose Fontaine.

While the school likes to pompously pretend it "follows in the tradition of great institutions like Harvard University and the College of William and Mary that were founded as seminaries and developed into independent academies of higher learning" because its ownership was transferred from the Brothers to an independent board of trustees in 1969, the truth is that this move was taken by many Catholic colleges in the country to assure federal aid.

However, following its modern history of trying to distance itself from its Catholic identity in its promotional materials and administration, the school was declared "no longer Catholic" in 2003; though it still maintains a few resident "forgotten" Marist Brothers in the shadow of its Ultra right wing gay hating, Abercrombie wearing, social justice ignorant, inebriated manwhore population whose worry about the new Facebook "newsfeeds" takes precedence over the starving children in nuclear North Korea and a dwindling economy under the nation's worst but campus-favorite president (which not even a self respecting Republican supports).

"Hey Kyle, where are you going?"
"Oh I'm just going to say hi to Brother Don."
"Brother who?"

"Hey what happened to that statue of Our Lady that used to be by the chapel?"
"Oh I think they sold it on ebay to fund the flavored condom and dental dam distribution at the Health Center"

True quote:
"I've only had sex four times...and all of them were at Marist College." -Girl during the first week of college, "...but I'm not counting two of them because I don't remember them."

"I chose to live in Champagnat because it's named after the saint that founded the Brothers"
"Girl pleeze...you know you chose it because it's the 17th sluttiest dorm in the country you hoe ass bitch."

"Oh man security caught me dealing 10 kilos of crack in my dorm"
"Oh shit dude, did the police come?"
"No, they just sent me to St. Francis." see St. Francis Hospital

by Friar Tuck September 9, 2006

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College Station

A shitty college town in Texas. The inhabitants, who are very similar to The Hills Have Eyes people, enjoy having anal sex with their cousins, getting shitfaced at Northgate, being fucking obsessed with George W. Bush, going to KKK meetings, and filming and producing farm animal pornography. These mongoloids are often seen dipping tobacco, chewing tobacco, and wearing white sheets with cut-out eyeholes. Enter with extreme caution... especially you colored folks.

Wait, why did Tyrone move to College Station?!

by bobobadobop May 20, 2018

17๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž