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K mi lunch

K mi lunch doesn't deal with reality. Only falsehood. Everybody's trick.

K mi lunch is a catfish.

by Sashaaisha September 5, 2022

lunch break sex

The act of physical inter course usually performed with a limited time frame that is meant to be reserved for eating during the work day. Smashing someone when you're supposed to be taking a break in order to get extra relief. Usually found in restaurants/offices/clubs or any type of job where the girls are more about doing the damn thing!

I'm busy all night and have a ton of work to do today so, I can squeeze you in for some lunch break sex and I'll just eat at my desk beforehand!

by Mike Evil December 10, 2015

we must have lunch

English used of delicious irony when ending a happenstance conversation with an old acquaintance you accidentally bumped into in public and after the required catch-up chat, end with this - actually meaning "don't contact me - and if I ever see you again it will be too soon"

How great to see you again after all this time - We Must Have Lunch !

by MurtThe January 30, 2025

Jew Lunch

Used on episode 2 of the "Frenemies" podcast. Ethan is reacting to TikToks posted by Trisha had recently posted surrounding her obsession with Jewish people. The phrase "Jew lunch" comes from a TikTok Trisha had posted entitled "Rate My Jew Lunch". Ethan points out the absurdity of the phrase and thus the phrase "jew lunch" was born into existence.

Trisha ate her Jew lunch in her car.

by cy.cucumb3r January 7, 2024

lunch pack

A scrotum

Unbeknownst to Tom, his lunch pack was hanging out of a hole in his pants

by Fadat2017 September 8, 2017

do lunch

A "do lunch" is an stuck up, professional with an anal attachment to regulations and trivial details.

I fell and ripped my tights this morning, and my boss just gave me a speech about "office-appropriate wear" and "responsible professional appearances" she is so do lunch.

by NoNoNope May 13, 2015

Lunch for breakfast

The act of having sexual intercourse prior to the time of 12:00 pm; typically immediately after waking up.

John: What did you and Sally do this morning?

Geoff: We had some lunch for breakfast... and then I made us some hashbrowns.

by Tdar69 September 12, 2017