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cool story, bro. now go make me a sandwich

This phrase is commonly used to imply that you don't really care. Mostly used after lengthy discussions, and boring topics.

Girl 1: I was eating a burrito, and suddenly i forgot my guacamole! So i rushed to the store, but they were all out. All they had were fajitas, so i grabbed one of those and headed back. Can you believe that?
Girl 2: cool story, bro. Now go make me a sandwich.

by thefajita September 7, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

I want to hear more stories about evil clowns

When you're all sitting around, drinking and sharing Scary Stories, e.g. John Wayne Gacy who dressed as a clown, and the Evil Clowns who kidnap children in South America, The Clown from Stephen King's "It"

The party is breaking up because it's almost 3AM, and Joe says...

"Damn, I want to hear more stories about evil clowns!"

by jagshemash1 March 19, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

cool story babe, now go make me a sandwich

When a chick is telling a boring story, say this.

Brittney: "So today ... blah, blah,blah and she had the same

_____ as me!"
Matt: "cool story babe, now go make me a sandwich."

by hellomotherf**ker February 10, 2012

54๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

who lives who dies who tells your story

The saddest song known to mankind duh. Alexander Hamilton dies and everybody cared but just couldn't show it while he was alive except for Eliza and Angelica. Also the last song in the Hamilton playlist.

Who lives who dies who tells your story... *Burst into a rampage of tears*

by Cows and minecraft fnaf January 15, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cool story bro, tell me the part about the dragon again.

This meme is used to make fun of peoples BS storys.
Dragons are not real therefore the cool story bro adds up with the dragon part.

DougieWouggie - I lost my virginity to Megan Fox and then she sucked me off while I was asleep.
Stephon - Cool story bro, tell me the part about the dragon again.
This meme grew from the site "gamekiller.net".

by Stephon_GK. April 25, 2011

61๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2 Episode 4: Below the Bedrock

the greatest video game of all time. its story, characters and music is unforgettable. comparing this game to another masterpiece, for example Knack 2, would be like comparing a Whale to a Rat. there is nothing that comes close to this level of masterpiece. thinking of an even greater game than this masterpiece is a death sentence in most countries. it isn't available anywhere now because Telltale "Went Bankrupt" but if you ask me, that's just a cover up story, they actually want people to forget about this masterpiece ever existing

Robert: Hey dude what are you playing?
Gilbert: Oh, i'm playing Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2 Episode 4: Below the Bedrock
Robert: the gods has made you one of them. use your power wisely, young one

by the god of MC:SMS2E4:BTB July 25, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Great story, tell it again, tell it at a party and make some friends!

What you say when someone tells a really lame, boring story that had no point. After the person finishes, say it, usually in a chant, sometimes accompanied with clapping with each word

Joe: OMG, yesterday, I went to Starbucks and I got a mocha frap, and then there were no seats! So I had to stand around waiting until someone got up, and then I sat in their seat and i took out my laptop and I played freecell.
Tina: Great story, tell it again, tell it at a party and make some friends! (clap, clap, clap)

by I. M. Cold March 3, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž