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breast cancer badge

when you grab a random friend's boob for the first time

I just got my breast cancer badge from Jackie today!

by H@nn@ October 14, 2011

bicep cancer

The sort of feeling you get when you are either done wrong by a lightweight (utter loser), in numbskull fashion, rendering them an even bigger lightweight than they already were.

Guy 1: "Man that dude really did Katherine dirty the other day by spilling her egg burger all over the ground!"
Guy 2: "Yeah people like him really give me bicep cancer..."

by Hammer Of Doubt June 29, 2022

breast cancer awareness month

A month to celebrate men and women with breast cancer.

For breast cancer awareness month, tie a pink ribbon around your neck.

by BabbleBoy February 20, 2023

cancer i munden

When Rasmus has a bad day and his teeth hurts.

"Cancer i munden". "oh Rasmus has a bad day".

by The Dicktonary GOD aka JEPPE September 25, 2017

cancer cocktail

The drink created by mixing everything they have at a bar

Im gonna create a cancer cocktail

by Xxx_Sterben_xxX May 17, 2016

Pamcreatic Cancer

When your friend Pam has pancreatic cancer

Person 1: Pam has pancreatic cancer!
Pam: lol pamcreatic cancer

by NoYou'rePseudonym November 2, 2021

Jesticular Cancer

Over exposure to Jes :)

You have Jesticular Cancer!" "Whut?!" "You've been exposed to Jes!

by DropDeadJes July 22, 2011