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Fuck it right in the pussy sex

Ahhh ahh fuck me hump me fuck me right in the pussy sex

by Shhh don’t make a sound May 8, 2018

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Sex is Good.

ME: Sex
Her: Is good

by A OnlineDater January 24, 2016

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž



one day me and my boyfriend were sitting in my apartment and then we decided to have sex so i started licking his dick until he got hard and then he was sitting by himself yanking himself and i called my girlfriend and me and Jessica started picking up and then my boyfriend got hard again so i gave my boyfriend a blow job and john(my boy friend) licked jessica out then we changed places it was so hot then when jessica left john called his mate and john slid his dick in my pussy all slow like and his mate went al fast in my ass and then jessica came back and we al had so much fun!

by fuck me anal like September 21, 2008

42πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they get together and cuddle in bed. daddy inserts his pee-pee into mommy's vagina and they get all warm and cuddly, then a baby is made when the sperm fertilizes the mother's egg. And that is how a baby is made.

In non-faggotry terms, sex is the meaning of life, where a male inserts his love rod into a woman's vagina, and make babies.

Be warned, it's unsafe out there in the world of sex. There's STDs that can do some seriously bad shit to you. So go prepared with condoms.

"I really want to have sex with you." John said to jane.

"Can we have a baby?"

by John Doe to the second power July 5, 2014

16πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


There are three main types of se. One is
vaginal sex: A wonderful activity in which a man gets really horny and has an erectionand repeatadly sticks his erect penis into a womans vagina to cause extreme pain and pleasue.

anal sex: Where a man sticks his erect penis into the womans anus.

oral sex: By far my favorite type of sex. This is where a mon sticks his erect penis in a womans mouth, and she sucks on it and tickles it with her tounge. this is pleasure for both sexes.

Hank and Celeste had vaginal sex last night.

Hank gave Celeste anal sex last night.

Oral sex is fun for both the giver and the reciever!!!

by [}Angel Of Death{] March 18, 2005

170πŸ‘ 329πŸ‘Ž


someone can say this when they think somethings really good or plesurable...or reimnds them of sex.It can also just be another word for greatest thing ever. its an adjective

girl 1: wow this chocolate taste reall gud, here taste it.
girl 2: damn, yo, this chocolate is the sex!

by BrOoKlYn95 April 2, 2010

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


What the Urban Dictionary revolves around

Look up any word in the UD and one of the related words is almost always sex.

by VeritableDonJuan February 4, 2015

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž