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Facebook Stalk

The acting of looking up a person you don't know on facebook. Often times you may just have a first name and one other random fact such as a place of employment. This is often times used to find out more about a person than you reasonably should know.

Ah! I facebook stalked that girl and she doesn't actually have a boyfriend!

by Holla328 July 12, 2009

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

facebook pussy

the attention a person (male) gets when they post a picture on facebook that attracts many women to comment on, and possibly increase the chances that a woman will sleep with you

Dude, that picture of you on the beach is gonna get you some facebook pussy

by zagsbh May 24, 2010

37πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

facebook proselytizer


One who uses facebook to convert or attempt to convert others as a proselyte in one's own religious faith or one's own political party, or to espouse one's doctrine.; One who recruits for conversion (a person) from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to another.; a royal douchebag; Also, especially British, faceβ‹…book prosβ‹…eβ‹…lytβ‹…izβ‹…er.

verb- "facebook proselytize"

Facebook Proselytizer- (status in news feed on Monday) "Hey all of you on my friends list... Healthcare reform is bad for our country! So much for global warming?!?!? The weather is fine! We are one step closer to overturning Roe vs. Wade! Yadda, yadda, yadda..."

Facebook Proselytizer- (status in news feed on Tuesday) "Ye must be born again!"

Facebook Proselytizer- (status in news feed on Wednesday) "The governor is a scumbag for blah blah blah"

Someone sane on the facebook proselytizer's friend list- "Man, what a douche!?!? Let's see... where's that person... Ah hah! There they are." *clicks the x to remove the facebook proselytizer from friend list* "That's much better."

by TertiaryColors July 20, 2009

24πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

facebook echo

The repeating of facebook status updates and wall posts

"Man if I see roger put carpe diem up as his facebook status I might vomit."
"Total facebook echo"

by appa momo January 5, 2010

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facebook mooching

An activity whereby someone goes through your facebook list and adds your friends based on your connections. This is also popular on LinkedIn and MySpace.

Jackie was facebook mooching yesterday on her laptop. Now we all have the same friends.

by Steve Guyer October 15, 2007

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Facebook Balls

When someone (usually a guy) won't talk to you to your face but they'll comment on your statuses/pictures, post on your wall, poke you, send you messages, "like" everything you do, and facebook chat you so much that your Facebook account exploes.

Instances of "facebook balls"
Hey, what's up? (wall post or facebook chat)
Hahahahaha (status/picture comment)

by youwillnevagethislalalalala December 7, 2009

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facebook faggot

a person who chronicles their daily minutia on facebook while believing that someone out there really gives a shit

Teresa is such a facebook faggot I know when she's ovulating.

by tjbf55 March 23, 2009

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