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Mr. Jamaica

A white guy that thinks he knows Jamaica better than the people that live in Jamaica. Even though he has only been to the tourist trap towns, he pretends like it is his home away from home! He might name his fantasy football team "Mr. Jamaica", so people think that he is an "expert" on Jamaican culture even though he is not. He stocks his fridge with Red Stripe. Ganja makes him paranoid!

Mikey is a total Mr. Jamaica.


There is some guy in my fantasy football league named Mr. Jamaica, what is his deal?
Hey Mr. Jamaica! Pass me a Red Stripe, Mon!
I saw Mr. Jamaica at the dancehall last night, he was conquering duppies!

by Mikey Aces October 21, 2010

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Mr byers

Fuck that pussy ass bitch he A gay ass queer

Hey don’t be A mr Byers

by Bigdaddy 69 November 20, 2018

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Mr. Garcia

That pervert science teacher that everyone hates and he likes girls name Morgan, or any girls in general. He always sends people out and doesn't care unless your name is Morgan.

Nick: OMG is that the Pervert Mr. Garcia
Morgan: Yes I think hes in love with me

by im idek March 22, 2020

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Mr. Howard

Best social studies teacher ever, he's so lit, he will make you want to come to school everyday.

Mr. Howard is dope

by Dabonthehaters September 19, 2017

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Mr. Steele

Possibly the greatest in-school detention teacher ever. Mr. Steele is bald his head can be rubbed for luck. He should be made into an actual teacher.

Mr. Steele bad ass bald cool

by A>R>E May 16, 2009

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Mr snelling

Works at Guiseley high school is the biggest nonce and likes birds (apart from seagulls they apparently don’t exist) if you disagree with him he stares at you and fingers your bum hole overall he is the standard bald nonce and he is from down south so he is β€œhard” so you β€œshouldn’t mess with me”

mr snelling is a world class nonce that works as a business teacher at Guiseley high school

by User847474838 February 26, 2020

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Mr Penn

Definition for a teacher who is usually a stoner.

"Look at that Mr Penn he's stoned as fuck"

by CliveBrenigJeffLewisJim February 4, 2009

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