Men who play flutes are ghey. Most of them like humongous dicks up their ass
See that LG over there. I bet he’s a part of Men Who Play Flutes
to go "men on the moon" on someone is to eat a guy out in a dark room. Men on the moon refers to "Where no man has gone before". Also, a song by REM.
Elena: I went men on the moon on my first boyfriend. It was bliss.
Jordan Peterson's ASSERTION is demonstrably false. Their level of competence likely varies. Their level of confidence is independent of their pursuit. Amd doesn't the Dunning Kruger effect demonstrate an inverse correlation between confidence and competence? If their not competence isn't it likely that their confidence would be high? And the issue exploding into nebulous plume of semantics regarding what constitutes 'competence and confidence' for example if you look at Leonardo Decaprio he's one of the most competent actors of all time. Clearly pursuing short term mating. 4 to 5 years max. Jordan peterson believes it takes at least to years to even get to know a person and he also purports to believe that the only true consent is marriage.
Hym "So, men pursuing short term relationships AT THE VERY LEAST are unlikely to have the attributes ascribed by Jordan Peterson. If you look at professions with a high volume of groupies you see both a high level of competence and excessive short term copulation (i.e. Athletes, Musicians, Actors, ect). It just isn't the case. It's literally just a true scottsman project on to people who are fucking all of the women while ingoring entirely the women's agency in short term mating."
When men dont have a sexual attraction to you/ liking you/ having a crush on you.
i have a Men Disorder
Bigger hoes than the women they force into hoedom and devalue. There are those who take pride in their lesser stations and title as queen hoes with notoriety who join in the mockery of those deemed "lesser than" in this warped mentality cycle.
See those guys grabbing their dicks and spitting towards that girl? They must be Men on Da Shit.
Someone who takes peoples money but fails to do the work.
A dodgy tradesman who gets chased down the street by A Current Affair after getting paid to do work but never showing up.
A dodgy politician who is there for the photo opportunity but never there for the follow up.
The "morrison men" are fixers according to Jenny. They just aren't very good at it.