Source Code

Soul Train

When a black kid is getting his freak on at the pool

I looked out my window and this lil black kid was getting his soul train on at the pool

by Tattooed Mother July 11, 2009

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beef train

a term for the male genitals

Guy: ima send my beef train up yo tuna tunnel

by Broco May 4, 2005

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Raid Train

The phrase β€˜Raid Trainβ€˜ refers to line of cars (in a train-like fashion) going from Raid to Raid in the popular mobile game, PokΓ©mon Go. The term was originally coined by Bucks County native, Dustin Blank. It is said that when the phrase gained popularity a parade was held in his honor. He was carried in a PokΓ©mon-themed litter by 4 bearers down the streets of the historical town of Bristol Borough. Passers by fed him peeled grapes and threw iTunes gift cards at him in appreciation for his brilliance.

Raid Train is now commonly used for players all around the tru-state area.

β€œI need a shiny Rayquazza, let’s get a raid train going on Saturday.”

by ScarBayBQuinn August 6, 2020

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Train wreckonciliation

to use a parlimentary procedure ,in a way it was never intended to force unpopular legislation on citizens who

have made it clear they are not interested with a one-sided

partisan vote

Looks like the democrats are using a train wreckonciliation to pass the health care reform bill

by freddy gonzelez March 4, 2010

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air train

a long, gassy day due to a recent meal's digestion.

Ugh! Last night's chilli cook-off is causing today's air train...I can't stop farting!

by RNPS February 6, 2009

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Lemming Train

Online first person shooter battles. Groups of players follow another rushing player across an open battlefield without reason or understanding of tactics and get themselves killed very early in battle. These inexperienced players follow the monkey see monkey do mentality thinking they are safe by numbers. See Lemming rush.

Look at all those guys rushing up over the ridge and getting killed. Such easy pickings. What a lemming train.
Half our idiot team thought it would be great to break off and lemming train across the open field. Now it's just our 5 tanks againt their 12 >:(

by Flipped3540 December 19, 2015

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riding the train

To be "riding the train" means to be single and in pursuit of someone to spend the day and/or night, without the intent of perusing a relationship with that person.

On Valentine's Day the only way to "get off the train" would be to find a date, to give up in the pursuit of finding a date or when the clock strikes midnight and you're all alone.

Related: To be on the train / To be on the desperation train / To be on the train of despair.

- What are your plans for V-day?
- I'm riding the train this year.
- No worries dude, you'll be off the train way before V-day.

by a66spam February 2, 2014

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