verb- giving an unexpected or very intense disappointment to another person, team, group, ect.
The Giants gave the Patriots a big shit sandwich in the Superbowl.
A really hard stinkbomb fart that you can tell will leave a stone clad stain in their pants.
Jesus, that guy left The Big Bufford in that movie theatre last night, did you notice the rancid smell and hard popping sound during the movie?
A girl who is a massive flirt and always wants a shag and absolutely adores a girl named charleigh who can’t get over her ex so she decides to fuck him around also she likes doing streaks in her fit thongs she’s also a massive Tory
Aye yo babes Big bum wiki has the fattest badonkadonk
Screwing someone in the ARX program
My adjuster put a $34 LKQ quarter panel on my 2021 Lambo. She told me she was “big dicking” me
When ur friend says something so fucking stupid and u want to mentally destroy them call them this
“When’s April fools”
“Shut up your a big head boi”