Every December 24th to celebrate Christmas Eve it is tradition to send a James Charles Booty Pic to at least one group chat. If you don’t then Santa fucks your mom.
Guy 1: Yo it’s December 24th, you know what that means right?
Guy 2: Yeah it’s send a James Charles Booty Pic Day
Guy 1: Tf?! It’s Christmas Eve you sick fuck
Host of the very famous the Charlie show™. He is the host with the most and is famous for he's frequent guests of bal, man, and the lord and savior Jesus Christ. he is followed by his cast, crew, and audience members Alex, firework, Abe, sub ink, emvi, BornAlegend, and the very famous ProBot.
"omg i love Charles M. Westington, host of the Charlie show™"
The inventor of the "Baby do you know da way" song
Didn't Charles Barras make that hilarious song?
When you gambit your Queen for a pawn
Wow Thighnoon used Charles Gambit
A person that goes to SHPS and is a cutey patooie.
Charles Liu went to the court of King Caractacus.
When a women’s vaginal juices are put into a condom then frozen, then is used to peg her man.
“My woman gave me a chilly charles and it hurt!”
The single nicest man to walk the face of earth. The man who was anointed by God. The Parliament, consisted of r3tards who probably think they should ride a Canyon Aeroad on a Downhill MTB Trail. King Charles did NOTHING wrong!! Collecting ship money is absolutly correct!! and he was the one, who sadly got be-headed by the r3tarted parliament
James Chapman: And so King Charles I of England got beheaded because he disagreed with parliament and reb...
Paul: Oh shut the fuck up James Cuntmann, King Charles I was a perfect idol in every way. Parliament nobles are the one who should've been be-headed. #KINGCHARLESIDIDNOTHINGWRONG!!!!
*The Class: Based, Paul.
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