A large group of people that do shopping cart racing around many different stores every night after midnight. See the definition of shopping cart racing to find out more.
I saw on a flier that there’s an shop speed festival somewhere in town. Wanna join?
The word created for driving over speed humps way too fast in hopes of getting air. While there are very few cases reported of tires actually leaving the ground, it is still a thrill ride if you do it right.
Dude, Lets cut through Bellevue and do some speed humping!
The sentence expresses incredulity about whether someone expects to receive high-quality service comparable to the price of caviar (luxury) but delivered as quickly as service at McDonald's (known for fast food).
Do they expect services like Caviar at fish stick prices on McDonald's speed?! - Gilfoyle
Taking a crap as fast as possible
Racing against your mates to have the fastest shit, I'm off for some speed curling
The slight chubby/semi boner one can get when getting a private lap dance from a stripper.
Stripper: "Ooooh you got a little speed bump there... you mind moving that?"
Dude "......"
speed Bump is a guy from Leicestershire who's been hit by a car 3 times up to now with minor injuries and often has no second thoughts about useing his fists. speed Bump will often think hes invincible or just the greatest person to ever live speed Bump can either be calm or a prick to you it all depends on how you treat him.
jhon/ yo bro you heard
Kaine/ about what
jhon/ speed Bump and his guys band that Roons guy from parks for being a nonce twat and mans called the pigs
Kaine/ ye i hured my man got away with it you know
John/ thats a madness g tho still
A person who has a reputation for having one night stands with everyone in the area, and none of them enjoyed the experience.
“Be careful bro that girl is the town speed bump everybody’s hit it, but no one’s happy about it.”