Pit itts: noun. Having so much hair under your armpits that it resembles Cousin Itt from the Addams Family.
You know someone is nasty when they have 3 foot long pit itts under their arms and B.O. like a rotten onion.
semen depository
made a huge deposit in the girlfriend dew pit last night.
Underboob area that becomes hot and clammy.
I hugged my lady last night at bedtime and her sweaty tit pits made my chest sticky
Somewhere you go to hide in defeat, usually a recycling bin, or just for fun. Refers to Timon's game over screen in a bootleg Lion King game on the NES, where he digs a hole, jumps in, and buries himself inside, presumably as a method of suicide.
I went into the Timon pit after everything fell apart.
The leftover mucus after one sneezes into another's butthole
Alex has some really weird fucked up kinks, like snot in the pit. We don't talk anymore
When you fuck the almighty Rachel and your dick gets stuck in her nasty pussy juice.
Oh shit, my dick is stuck in the pit of pudding!
A russian mosh pit is when a large group of soldiers are forced to have gay sex in a pit as a disciplinary action.
> Vladimir, for stealing the commander's vodka, you have been sentenced to a russian mosh pit!
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