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The best Lineage 2 alliance in the North America (probably in the whole world - 80% confirmed).

One day we will be as good as Uprising........ not :(

by goodj3w March 28, 2007

98๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


A song made by Muse in 2009, part of the album "The Resistance".

My favourite song is Uprising by Muse. Maybe you should listen to it as well.

by You should read more often. January 20, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beta Uprising

A meme on the /r9k/ board on 4chan mostly used by incels and robots.

When virgin posters post about a so called beta uprising they are mostly being ironic however some posters do use the meme unironically because of genuine hate towards chads and stacies.

The beta uprising must happen now reeeee

by bgfbhfhfgghnfhfhffh May 27, 2022

Indian Uprising

When a girl does not let you finish in her mouth, you ejaculate on her, her clothes or on a personal belonging/keepsake.

"What did you do to my teddy bear?"
"Indian uprising."

by Ron Blemons January 1, 2012

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Ginger Uprising

when the Gingers of the world defeat the ginger genocide and release a can of ginger rage on all the non-gingers.

Chuck: ah fuck dude.

Craig: what dude?
Chuck: we shouldn't have fucked with those gingers, the Ginger Uprising is starting.

by cock kluster April 30, 2010

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A Call For An Uprising

A Youtuber that is essential for peace in this world.

Since I started watching A Call For An Uprising, I found out that the water is doused in chemicals, foods are doused in chemicals, and scary stuff like that, which is true.

by ACallForAnUprising19 April 6, 2019

27๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

squirrel uprising

the inevitable and soon to come squirrel uprising that most likely already happened but were in the hundredth reality where it has yet to happen

Me: Hey have you been preparing your Assault Rifles for the squirrels?

Other person: yeah we're gonna light them up

squirrel uprising being squirrels taking over the human race and population

by Someone that exists, maybe? February 22, 2021