A white male or female referred to a white jackass
That there sweetie is what you call a cracker donkey.
Mortimer: "He might be a cotton picker, but he is better than that goddam Mormon."
Shanice: "Oh Mortimer, you ignorant cross donkey!"
A derogatory term for 'hxc' kids. All you little 'scene, emo, & hardcore' little kids don't understand the true meaning of hardcore.
See that kid Brad? He's a total donkey toaster.
A very derogatory slur for an obese person of Latin-American descent.
You fucking chonky donkey! Go back to where you came from.
Slave brought along to carry baggage where horse can't go
We tired of being ya tramp donkey acting like you some kinda one man gps.
Toothless male in your local Klamath falls trailer park
when you pick up your trailer donkey to spent Ebt at Walmart
A large fish of the carp variety; grass carp, bullhead carp: which over populate freshwater habitats.
A dirty bottom feeding fish other than a catfish.
A dude who swims in canals
Damn, I was tryna catch a big ol' catfish. but snagged up a canal donkey instead.
Jim always swimming in dem canals, he be a canal donkey.