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Denzil is a understanding person who cares for himself and others around him. He is talented in many ways and will show some emotion(more emotion is shown around his friends). Denzil is a person whom you can trust and will have many friends. He is also a kind hearted person whom loves animals and many people can relate too. He is outgoing academically( so he is smart). Usually skinny Denzil can eat quite a bit(I don't know why I'm taking about how he eats),(Just adding it in there Denzil has a big penis ranging from ___ inches to ______ inches)

Denzil is cool

by Denzil . December 1, 2017

100👍 36👎


A Denzil is a simpleton

You are such a Denzil. When you do something stupid.

by Matador 77 January 4, 2012

29👍 30👎


Denzil is the name for a funny person who makes others laugh by his stupidity. He is a very nice guy and will do anything to make others laugh. At highschool parties he is the guy who will always full send everything.

Person: Omg dude are you really gonna send it???
Denzil Tommington: Fuck yea. Looking at the viper

*Sends it*
Person: Wow you're such a Denzil

by Denzil Tommington February 25, 2019

14👍 17👎


tubby fucktard that sucks at checkers... but i love him really

omg denzil u dumb bastard.... you had a double jump

by KiT0r October 5, 2003

40👍 74👎


a black man, denzil washington

you look just like denzil washington, what a beautiful chocolate man!

by wuofyr803gy November 16, 2007

47👍 49👎


Successfully pulling a female by using goofy charisma and providing satisfaction beyond her wildest dreams .

Hey Max how'd it go with that girl last night.

"I denziled her, obviously "

by TheRunningMoustache September 1, 2023

Denzil Ov Plymouth

Denzil Ov Plymouth is the name of a funny person who makes others laugh by his shit-posting memes. He is a very nice guy and will do anything to make others laugh. At highschool parties he is the guy who would draw memes on paper and pass them out to people. He would wrap them on drink cups, tape them on your back and stash them in your pants pockets when you were passed out

Person: Omg dude is Denzil Ov Plymouth going to be at the party? My meme stash is low.
Person 2: Fuck yeah. Any minute now we can reload on that sweet sweet meme drug.

*Denzil Ov Plymouth walks in*
Denzil Ov Plymouth: I have arrived and have some fresh shitposts you will like. Drink up bitches.

by Blazn Sykwitit August 11, 2019