A term used in first person shooter games, in which a player gets zero kills and multiple deaths.
Half way thru the game ClayMation was baking an egg loaf with a KD of 0&9 and really hurting the teams chances.
When the male inserts his dick into the women’s pussy and doesn’t move.
Quicker then the Dutch oven fart in you hand and cover her nose while she’s sleeping
I didn’t have time to Dutch oven her so I use easy bake oven method instead
A finessing ass nigga ..... simple
You fucked her ? 😂😂😂😂😂😂.. (“easy bake oven”)
An insult to call someone when they have an easy task but make it extremely complicated to the point where it’s not worth doing
Man, we were playing scrabble and they put endometriosis off of dome.
What an Easy Bake Oven
a name for when you don't want to directly name a pregnant person, so you just give them a nickname in hopes that they wont find out about how you've been talking about them all this time.
"hey, did you see ms.easy-bake oven yesterday? she looks like she's been eating non-stop!"
"you aren't supposed to say that, jeremiah."
When you smear raw cookie dough on your dick and then perform sexual intercourse at a high intensity rate, the heat from the friction caused by going at fast speeds should cook the dough enough that when she pussy farts, it should smell like your grandma's freshly baked cookies.
I turned her pussy into an easy bake oven with a bucket of raw cookie dough