Everyday whilst a pledge, you must clean up the fraternity’s main house as well as any off campus houses and/or other fraternal areas.
Note: This is NOT considered hazing. It is required by the IFC in article 6, line 7 of the manual.”
“Hey Lil’ Timmy! I thought it was national pledge clean up day? Go mop the floor pledge!”
- Fraternity Brother
“Yes sir.”
- Pledge Timmy
Getting white girl wasted on wine, passing out on the floor and then dragged around like a dust mop
Bra, your house looks great, what happened last night?
Erin dropped out early and Brad pulled a clean Melissa. he really cleaned this place up, I hope her sweater wasn't dry clean only
"he went wild and cleaned everybody's clock down there in the dugout"
When it's spring time and a man's testicles are still filled up with semen from the previous season, he's ought to do a spring cleaning. (Basically: he really needs to shag because he's been lazy all winter)
"Ah man, I better text that girl I met last summer, it’s time for a spring cleaning!"
"Dang! It's March already! I've contacted a few girls for my spring cleaning but haven't heard from any of them yet."
The act of spring cleaning refers to mass deleting and/or blocking of people on social media, specifically on your Facebook friends list. Primarily, because you have no interaction and/or they have not contacted you over a period of time.
This morning during breakfast, I did some spring cleaning by deleting a lot of people from my Facebook friends list.
When you shout Mom/Dad right after climaxing on your stomach and cleaning as quickly as possible before the walk in.
Alex: yo my mom caught me while I was spring cleaning
Max: awe shit dude
Sheets you have to clean because heinous acts have occurred on it.
Have to get a clean linen, Hannah was wild last night.