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Pushing P

Pushing 🅿️ 🅿️lans 🅿️o🅿️corn 🅿️lus 🅿️enis

Bruh I just made popcorn that shit Pushing P

by Lil gay boy 8 February 6, 2022

Pushing P

If you reading this you aren’t pushing p

John “You ain’t pushing P get yo ass out”
Fred “You right I don’t get any bitches”

by 7enyyy January 19, 2022

pushing p

pushing p is a lifestyle
if you wait for ur friend after class: your pushing p
if u start acting weird: your not pushing p
if u snake ur friends: ur not p

break me some
luvvv bro ur pushing p

by pushinp24s January 27, 2022

Pushing P

LMAOOO YOU DONT KNOW WHAT Pushing p means what an L 😹😹😹🅿️🅿️🅿️

This mans doesn't know what pushing p means

by sexysomaildickrider January 21, 2022

Pushing P

pushing paper ofc!

I was pushing P with my friend!

by AspenLmao March 7, 2022

Pushing P

Pushing p means that you enjoy sucking other men off and or like getting hit from the back🥜🅿️

Nah I love pushing p but my ass hurt”

by WelpitzHarmony January 27, 2022

pushing p

fuck a pushing p you better push G, damn Gunna

I never push p, I'm pushing g.pushing p means you are promoting lame asss activity

by gma pharoah January 19, 2022