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Country Nerd

someone who listens to a fuck ton of country music and knows all of the classic redneck tunes

Person 1: Hey did you listen to the Trace Atkins ep? Oh and the new Old Dominion singles. Also did you hear that Jon Pardi is releasing Tequila Little Time as a single?

Person 2: stfu stop being such a country nerd

by broskita December 20, 2020

country fed

Healthy Thick Well Fed And Solid

Look how big he is yeah he definitely country fed

by Starthakidd March 13, 2023

Down country

When you're in public and trying to signal your girlfriend you want a blow job workout anyone knowing what the two of you are talking about.

Him "Come on let's go"
Her "where are we going?"
Him "Down country!"

by BrabbiT8mile November 23, 2015

America is NOT a Christian country

(And this next part is in reference to the Russell Brand "They are trying to silence us" stream on rumble) So, he's talking to this priest and the priest is like 'America is a Christian country!' And he goes on to explain that ALL OF THE PROBLEMS... Are the direct result of people not doing the incest cult. And WE KNOW THIS. We already know... That when you don't do the sex cult... The adversary (They veil it by calling him "The adversary" or "the enemy" or "the people's champ" but what they MEAN is a LITERALLY AND ONTOLOGICALLY REAL SATAN, LIKE, AND ACTUALLY PSYCHIC MONSTER THAT IS CONFUSING THEM DELIBERATELY)

comes to get em. And he ties it into this story about Caesar and how Caesar declared himself God... So they murdered him (typical) BUT LITTLE DID THEY KNOW... He had a secret will... And he wanted this OTHER GUY to be Caeser... And THE OTHER GUY declared that HE is better than everyone... Forever... But NOT better than God! And he gave all of the glory to God (totally consensually) forever! So, those are the rules now forever. And that DEFINITELY IN NO WAY SOUND LIKE... The story of a deliberate and successful coup where the Catholic church murdered an emperor, forged a will, installed THEIR OWN EMPEROR (who will do and say whatever they want 'But God removed Saul and replaced him with David, a man about whom God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.’ ACTS 13:22 There seems to be a recurring theme here), and then delcared the new guy better than everyone (Which is impossible because I was already better than evryone in the future and GOD WOULD KNOW THAT) but NOT better then God (Therefore, weak). Whatever, this is dragging on a bit, innit? You get the point. And this is the second part. 'America is NOT a Christian country' "

by Hym Iam May 23, 2024

Underground Country

A large piece of land only accessible by those who are invited and/or have completed the initiation ceremony.

Antopia is an underground country ran by the mafia king.

by Kg_cv February 16, 2021

Country Gravy

When relative sneeks in to have sex with the thanksgiving turkey and someone at the table asks who made the gravy and your Grandma tells you there was no gravy made.

Uncle Harold brought the country gravy again.

by NickTok_78 November 28, 2020

Country duck

New Netflix and chill, translates to cunt fuck.

You wanna go country duck?
You trynna country duck?
I wanna country duck!
Let me country duck.

by That1gaygirl June 10, 2019