if your that girl then stay that girl
and it make you 5% more better
you are so cool that YOUR That GIRL
a girl who prioritizes herself and goes after her dreams
when you see a girl that inspires you, “I want to be that girl”.
"That girl" is originated by tiktok and pintrest that girl is a girl/boy that wakes up early does skin care and take shower daily and works out and meditates and has a healthy diet such as eating veggies and more ."That girl" is basically creating a better version of yourself and giving yourself time and creating a healthier mindset if your trying to become "that girl" don't stress yourself it tales time .
a sentence used with "That girl" is. i wanna be a "that girl" or "That girl" is being a better u
That girl is usually a female (or any gender) who wakes up early and work's out drink's smoothies and goes on walks but that girl can be toxic making you think that you have to be perfect.And honestly no one can be perfect because there is no such thing as perfect. Most people try to think of the bright side of it.
I felt like that girl this morning when I went for a walk
it’s literally in the word. you’re THAT MF GIRL!!! You’re a boss, independent, resilient, high maintenance… you get the point. you DON’T let anyone walk all over you and most importantly you rise above all the negativity.
“i’m THAT girl, what can I say”
Omg, she’s THAT GIRL!!!