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fuck my hat, I didn't know that

Rhyming expression for use when you really didn't know something, and were maybe even the last person on earth to find out. Goes to show you really do learn something new every day.

'You mean you can't get pregnant by sharing a facecloth? Fuck my hat, I didn't know that!'

by mockschmock December 8, 2006

25👍 5👎

i hardly know her

Basically projecting a sign of ignorance toward a subject jokingly.

"Night VISION? I hardly know her!"

by therealathazagoraphobia September 19, 2022

8👍 159👎

I know I am but what are you?

The opposite of the widely known, stupid comeback, This will usaully get your offendor to say something stupid about themselves.

Person 1: You suck eggs!

Person 2: I know I am but what are you?

Person 1: A dipwad.

Person 2: Exactly

by Vale74 November 25, 2010

22👍 6👎

Afterlife: Knowing what Willis was talking about

Afterlife: Knowing what Willis was talking about.

Referenced from the sit com, Different Strokes. Gary Coleman's character was famous for asking his brother, Willis what he was talking about? "Whatchoo talkin' about, Willis?" with a turn of his head to emphasize confusion was a catchphrase evermore.

May 28,2010 Gary Coleman died. The world would want him to finally know what Willis was talking about. I want that in my afterlife as well...to have all my questions answered in heaven.

Afterlife: Knowing what Willis was talking about.

1)When I die I want to finally know what Willis was talking about.

2) q) Do you think when we die, we will finally know what Willis was talking about?

a) I hope so.

by Twistedest May 29, 2010

17👍 4👎

I don’t know too much about that

It’s basically disagreeing with someone’s idea or statement

Friend 1: Hey, I found these cool suede pants at a thrift store. What do you think?
Friend 2: I don’t know too much about that

by sandrafizzle January 24, 2020

Do you know who I am?

Line used a lot by celebrities and members. Of the divadom to assert themselves when in public. Reese witherspoon used this line a few years ago when she was picked
Up for drunken driving. The charging officer.
Did not recognize her so he Introduced. Himself to her and proceeded with charges

Do you know who I am? The angry business man yelled at the poor hapless gate agent at the airline departure gate the female agent not missing a beat keyed. Her mic and said:"ladies and gentlemen there's a man here at the gate who has no idea who he is! Can anyone come forward and claim same?"

by 4realazitgits April 4, 2021

ya don't know nuthin' 'bout me

a way to say "you don't know nothing about me" or "you don't know anything about me". Used as a comeback to douche-y comments or rude gestures.

bob: "hey watup sistah? lets hang."
girl 1: "ya don't know nuthin' 'bout me."

girl 1: "i'm pretty much the best person here."
girl 2: "'cause ya don't know nuthin' bout me."

dude 2: *sticks tongue out.
girl 3: "you dont know nuthin' 'bout me, you loser."

by hashendonitsme April 28, 2013