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Chicago Pizzaing

The act of performing a tiring or laborious task, often redundant and unpleasant.

Hey guys, sorry I am busy Chicago Pizzaing this is so sad alexa play despacito

by thisisntme69 July 9, 2018

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Villa Pizza

The best pizza ever!! It is located in Mattoon, IL and is home to the Massive Pie. Can't get any better than Villa.

Hey man where should we eat tonight?
Villa Pizza of course...it's the best Pizza around!!

by Proud Mattoonian January 8, 2010

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Pineapple on Pizza

Most people say itโ€™s the worst thing but have never even tried it.

Hey, truth or dare?


Do you like pineapple on pizza?

No, obviously.

Ok, truth or dare again.


Have you ever tried pineapple on pizza?


by Epic meow April 7, 2022

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Pizza Boat

You got it all wrong guys. Most amazing invention ever.

Bob: Hey lets get a pizza boat
Jimmy: :)))))))))))))))))

by Little Alchemy 2 definition May 31, 2020

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Trash pizza

It is any lower class pizza chain such as Pizza Hut, Dominos or Papa Johns. These chains are all the same thing. A sorry excuse for pizza.

The only thing open right now is trash pizza.

by NoNeedToAsk September 5, 2018

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Pizza Coalition

When two or more typically drunken individuals collaborate economically to acquire pizza in greater quantity or quality than any individual could afford alone.

Damn it, Kenneth, you lightweight sack of shit! You can't fall asleep now - a pizza coalition is forming!

by Wiles Knafe February 27, 2011

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Supreme Pizza

Supreme Pizza
Pizza with Sausage, Pepperoni, Hamburger, Canadian Bacon, Onions, Olives, Mushrooms and Green Peppers.

I just ordered you the Supreme Pizza, because it has all the best ingredients.

by Wade Allen Hawk January 15, 2017

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