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Y.C.S.S. (Younger Cuter Sister/Sibling Syndrome)

When you have a younger sister/sibling that is better looking than you

Stacie is okay but have you seen her little sister Jessica? Stacie totally suffers from Y.C.S.S. (younger cuter sister/sibling syndrome)

by Discobeck August 28, 2018

incest is the best put your sister to the test

:) :) :) :) :) pie

:) :) :) :) :) bananas

by cheeseguy May 25, 2004

988πŸ‘ 502πŸ‘Ž

I'm kidding, we're sisters, we talk

When you were just kidding, and want to inform someone that your sisterly bond is not broken; you will still talk, from time to time.

"dude i just shided and farded and camed"
"i'm kidding, we're sisters, we talk"
"oh thank baby jesus"

by ___giantpotato May 4, 2020

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

did i kill your sister or something?

Question to be made when you feel treated unfairly, made responsible for something you didnΒ΄t do, or ordered to do something you feel not responsible for.

"Ok Alysa, take the dog for a walk"
"But Mom...did i kill your sister or something?

by rperazag June 15, 2010

46πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

National Kiss Your Step Sister Day

On June 9th it is considered to be National Kiss Your Step Sister Day. On this day it is highly recommended that you make out with your step sister. Any other day it would be considered incest, but on June 9th it is encouraged!

Person 1: Bro on June 9th you gotta make out with your step sister.

Person 2: Why June 9th?
Person 1: Cuz it’s National Kiss Your Step Sister Day, duh.

by yomommathic April 18, 2020

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

I have to see my sister in Freo

Commonly used as an excuse to get out of something you can't do and or when you previously had accepted a invitation to something but need to get out of it. Having a sister may or may not be true and she may or may not live in Freo. This is irrelevant as the emphasis is having a plausible excuse, not on actual fact.

Can be embellished with descriptive addiction as such as ...for a family do or to go watch a football match.

Feminine form of i need to take my little brother to baseball practice

"Damn, sorry to do this, but it can't make it this afternoon, I have to see my sister in Freo"

by Ttaym October 17, 2013

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

baby jesus and his adopted sisters

Something you say which is a modern form of crimey, gosh, yikes, and all those other famous five type words lol.
When I first met my mate Rich he said to me "Baby Jesus and his adopted sisters" what have I let myself in for getting to know you lol, or cerrrrrrrazy!
and I thought your propa posh right? lol, but hes a laugh!!!

A:"Is it safe to cross the woods at night without little Timmy the dog?"
B:"i duno George?"
A: Baby Jesus and his adopted sisters did you hear that noise in the bushes? these woods aint safe!"

by Trinkbar_Trina March 29, 2005

5πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž