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dick simp

a cringe simp that won’t leave you alone

taylor is a mad dick simp and he won’t piss off

by UncleBarry April 12, 2021

Simp Tuesday

Thus Day has been deemed the only day acceptable for simping. You may only simp on this day or you will be hung by your foreskin. Simping begin at 12 am.

Wyatt is a simp. Simp Tuesday is Wyatts favorite day

by DirtyDeimund April 21, 2020

Polygamist Simp

One who simps, not for one female, but for many. A man may have a couple females that he has relations with and the one that he is currently with he will actively simp for. On the other hand, he will simp for any woman he sees and has no number 1.

This man is a Polygamist Simp in the flesh. Absolutely, immaculate performance of being a Polygamist Simp.

by yessirsimp October 2, 2020

simp contract

A contract written to protect people from falling into the bottomless hole of simpery. The contract includes ten injunctions. These are as such:

I. Thou shalt not spend money on the object of simpery.

II. Thou shalt not ship the object of simpery with thine self.

III. Thou shalt not lay thine eyes on fanfictions or shippy fanart.

IV. Thou shalt not browse pictures of the object of simpery for more than ten minutes a day.

V. Thou shalt not watch more than thirty minutes of videos of the object of simpery a day.

VI. Thou shalt not gush about the object of simping on thy social media.
VII. Thou shalt not show any emotion towards the object of simping.

VIII. Thou shalt not say cheesy, cringey, corny, or crusty things about the members.
IX. Thou shalt not have more than ten pictures of the object of simpery at a time. Thou shalt also not have a single shirtless or sexy picture of them.

X. Thou shalt not become an egg--smooth-brained, hairless, and lacking of common sense.

Each injunction comes with a respective punishment.

Mike: "Dude, I signed the simp contract yesterday and I've never felt so protected in my life! It's like a form of insurance so I won't fall into the shame of simping ever again."
Jimmy: "It's too late for me, man. I already broke three of the rules and now I'm going to get punished for being a simp."

by eyelidlash July 20, 2021

Friendly Simping

Friendly Simping is when you talk or facetime a certain person a lot when your in the friend zone.

-Friendly Simping is when you talk or facetime a certain person a lot when your in the friend zone

When you Facetime Jess everyday and friendly simp while in the friend zone

by Shmup May 6, 2020

ginger simp

a ginger male who will do anything to please a female. sun burns when he looks at the sun.

boy: 'hannah you are so beautiful, i'll do anything for you'
girl: 'fuck me fred, you're such a ginger simp, get some suncream on that sunburn!'

by samlovesagingeminge May 28, 2020

Fleet Simp

A Moderator In The Comfy Corner Discord Server Who Needs A Promotion

Wow Fleet Simp Needs A Promotion

by Jetmouse3000 January 3, 2021