Source Code

Street Cat

(Adjective) Cat found on the street, may be friendly or agressive

Friend: I saw a Street Cat today.
Me: So what happened?
Friend: It scratched my hand.

by G4045 December 23, 2022

Park street

A place full of girls that are team player crackheads, halfway drug dealers and old nasty bitches tryna sell pussy or you could get shot for no reason

Guy: hey you tryna go to park street

Guy2: hell nah I tryna overdose or die and I don’t want no damn old bitch pussy

by Chickensfat October 16, 2019

Street Cred

Street cred is how popular you are and is short for street credit.

Jimmy: Oi, your street cred is out of this earth, broski, how can I be at cool
John: Leave pleb, you will never have so much street cred

by TeensierJungle March 1, 2020

South Street

Noun and Adj. Person, place or thing that was cool and is now both corporate and can be physically dangerous. Someone or something that lost their character, is just part of the nameless mass of everything else now, and suffers for it. People like to talk about how things were because they’re sick of looking at your face(ade) knowing how things ARE. It’s not quite looked at with pity, because if not so greedy, so eager to gentrify themselves, they might have retained what made them them to begin with,

“Yo, ‘member when Willy used to wear those corduroy suits to school, saying it was because he was gonna steal hisself a Caddy at 3:55 to take his girl out and didn’t want to look suspicious?”
“Yeah, that boy was one of a kind. But now… Isn’t he pushing paper in middle management with the WASP wifey and rugrats out in Bucksco? He was just another South Street, man.”

by CougarKitty October 16, 2022

check the street

a phrase for the slightly insane...to be said at one's leisure when ambulatory. a visual check for the secret police, regular police, riff-raff, hit squad, trumpers and/or libtards coming for YOU ! . seeing as how civil war is right on the horizon, a few extra moments to grab your guns (plural, OF COURSE!) is nice !

i'm going to grab a cup of coffee then check the street !
urban dictionary bumped my would be contribution, when i went to check the street !, i didn't take it personally !

by michael foolsley September 11, 2020

Cole On The Streets

A 8th Grade middle school student who is very cool and has a segment in the news for his school.

Person 1: Cole On The Streets is the best segment of the news right
Person 2:hell yeah
Cole on the streets: hi
*they both faint*

by Yesssssiirrrrrr May 25, 2022

Streets of acid

a play on the game 'streets of rage'; when one has taken acid it is the mental state (and physical place) one is in

guy 1:im f*****!
guy 2: lets go epsom like this, on the streets of acid

by 60s steve June 2, 2007