Source Code

Chelsea Clam Shell

When You open your ass over someones head in a swallowing motion while they are passed out and push there head into your ass.

Cuzan johny passed out so i gave him a Chelsea Clam Shell,when he awoke he was not happy.

by tbagmartin March 28, 2010

83πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

lick my clam

Kind of like β€œkiss my ass,” but a little more base or perhaps personal.

I have a novel suggestion: how would you like to lick my clam?

by Dr Bunnygirl September 13, 2020

voo doo clam

Bomb ass pussy. When they keep coming back to you no matter what because your pussy is so fire they can’t stay away.

that bitch is crazy but she got that voo doo clam

by Lanabana1 April 25, 2019

39πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

clam juice

you put your penis in a womans vigina at the same time when shes on her period

did you just clam juice on me!

by justin wole June 5, 2011

4πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

clam chowder

known too many as the band clam chowder, known to the very few as my brothers band. often used in social situations in the garage in awkward situations when bitches are around.

Tycho - who is on the radio
C- i think they said clam chowder
A - thats my brothers band
*smoke bomb*
stranger - I'm flying star guys guys guys

by foug January 13, 2005

5πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Leaky Clam Shuffle

When you cum in your girl and she has to squeeze her legs together and shuffle to the bathroom quickly so she won't leak everywhere.

My roommate just had sex and I saw her run out of her room doing the Leaky Clam Shuffle to the bathroom.

by Zemanator April 9, 2016

Clam your tits

To ask someone to keep their egos in check.

Dude: Man i'm looking guuddd today.
Me: Dude, clam your tits, seriously.

by Noel K July 13, 2011

26πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž