Source Code

no homo

Phrase used after one inadvertently says something that sounds gay.

Amazing Phil to DanIsNotOnFire


by Skyler "Phan Howlter" Games December 6, 2015

No Homo

No homo in reality means no homosexuality, meaning you didn't intent the word to be taken in a homosexual way. No homo can also mean No! Homo! Which is when the meaning is taken homosexually by a gay man and attracts them, and No! Homo! is used to ward them off.

Man 1: Dude this basketball is so hard, these are the types of balls I like.
Man 2: Woah! No homo right?
Man 1: Yeah! No homo.

Example 2
Kid: I really like long italian sausages! No homo

Example 3
Kanye West: How you can go from bein' Joe Blow to everybody on yo' dick no homo.

Example 4
Eminem: All you lil' faggots can suck it, No homo, but I'ma stick it to 'em like refrigerator magnets!

by TheMainOneAndOnlyBigD June 12, 2013

No Homo

Something you say to make that thing not gay

Person one grabs persons 2’s ass (they are the same gender)
Person 1: No homooooo

by Midnight_Core September 29, 2019

no homo

A word used when a homosexual tries to be open about their options only to be judged by people and wishes to reverse everything they have said.

Gay: ooh look at that guy he’s fit
judgy person: eww but your a guy
gay:(sweats profusely) aha umm no homo man

by Queen of the gays February 2, 2019

No homo

A new definition trying to reclaim the controversial phrase “no homo.” This new meaning of the phrase means “my bad” or “calm down” in an attempt to diffuse a situation.

Comes from the Latin phrase “noticus hominus,” which roughly translates to “it was my fault.”

Craig: Bro, why did you kill my dog last weekend?
Dan: It’s okay, no homo bro.

by eBucks July 25, 2023

No Homo

The act of clearing all homosexual tension in a situation.

"That sex was good as helll, no homo though."

by fruityhomosexual November 24, 2022

no homo

when you do or say something gay but say no homo, its not considered gay.

*2 girls kiss*
Girl 1: no homo
(that wasnt gay bc she said no homo)

by AnnaLeo June 22, 2022