The. Best. Place. If you come here during the summer you are most likely very rich. This lake is home to huge houses along the water, the newest boats, HOT GIRLS, lots of beer drinking and island parties. If you are a local you sell ice cream and t-shirt’s and hate every summer bird that comes!!
Oh you’re going to Lake George? That’s the spot to be
When you shart on a bed and then do the “deed” where you just shar
I just had a crazy Sequoyah lake with John Ryan.
Across the vast stretch of the Atlantic ocean separating america and Europe.
"Let's take a boat across the lake"
When someone is on drugs. Usually used by frat boys to symbolize how fucked up they're gonna get.
"I knew the perc was fake, but I still ate it."
"Bro's in Silver Lake right now."
The underground lake on Mandalore where Mandalorians who have removed their helmets go to bathe and purify themselves so they can continue Mandaloring
Din Djarin, you removed your helmet!!!! You must profit yourself in the waters of Lake Oogah Boogah!!!!
The girls who invite their not so real friends so they can get attention. Sometimes they are really nice people but other times they just want popularity.
She and her friends are lake house girls and she is so kind