An insult used to describe a person who pissed you off. Or to describe a slut who's gonna get pregnant at an early age.
"Ugh, she's just never gonna give up! She such a cow sack!"
My girl friend drained me of all my sack sauce last night.
A game of tay in which all male players use their hand to tap or “tag” the other players nutsack. Players cannot tag back the player who tagged them, and must pass the tag within 5 days before they can be tagged again by anyone.
“OWWWWW!!” Sam said after his ginger friend tagged him during a game of sack tag.
Similar to a ball sack just hanging from your ass. May come from surgery or minor misfunction while growing in your moms vagina. Very droopy and hairy. Hurts when kicked. Very pleasurable while licked.
"Don't kick my sack of ass again or we will have problems!"
Guy 1: I just got that operation to remove my scrotal sack.
Guy 2: Damn, that sucks.
A sack or membrane enclosure of an animal containing no less than 50% poop. An exception to this definition is the digestive gland of a mussel, where the sack most definitely look like a poop sack, therefore suck gland is referred to as the poop sack for this animal in particular.
I just ate the mussel's poop sack!
telling someone to hit or punch themselves in the balls because they're being an asshole