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the scene aesthetic

The best fucking band in the world that consist of gorgeous emo boys. of which may be gay... but i dont care.

the scene aesthetic is..2 boys with whiney but awesome guitar rifts and voices, tight pants, the emo hair, lip rings, and again my lovers.

by InfamousxCOCO August 10, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

Scene kids are kids that believe they are listening to music and creating a style that has never been done before.
Scene had another name 25 years ago. That name was called New Wave and it wasn't considered cool to be part of the scene, it was considered freakish.
This was at a time when wearing a label
that was unique at such a time, could be acceptable as an alternative to mainstream culture.
Scene is a confused genre, because the kids that mainly call themselves scene
change the rules for what scene is and isn't daily. This tells everyone else that scenesters are posers and they are not sure of what they are doing, along with giving no reference to the ungerground anti-fashions that originally gave their subconscience the idea that they stole.
The best way to be scene, is to NOT be scene! Stop coming up with boring labels to fit in or shock people.
It's 2008, and the glam meets drag look was original when David Bowie, Divine, Boy George, Pete Burns and Robert Smith had done it during a time when these types were just trying to create something new along with b eing themselves, thus it was not accepted so greatly until future times.
That was true scene!
If you must have a label, then you are insecure and if you aren't going to give old school new romantic, punk, and wavers
any credit for ripping off their look, then you must be banished into complete ignorant bliss.

Scene Kids

by megalomaniaeverywhere November 18, 2008

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Scene Kids

Scene kids are described as 'happy emos'. They (scene guys) normally have a fluffy emo fringe died black or bleached blonde or brown such as teh guitarist from teh band Tonight Is Goodbye. They listen to scene music which is bands liek Hadouken and NEVER lsiten to mainstream bands or bands that non scene kids have heard of. Scene guys are obsessive about stars. Stars on tees, hoodies, hats, belts etc. THey wear brands like Drop Dead, Paint The Stars, Atticus, Robolove etc. with skinny jeans if any colour. Scene girls wear and are exactly teh same.

They are coool. And there are many posers. Oh and Scene guys will pull other scene guys to impress scene girls. Oh and if a scene band touches teh charts the scene kids never listen to it again.

by Ollie-Vert May 28, 2007

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scene points

points earned for doing or wearing something scene

WARNING: real scene kids don't acknowledge their existance, EVER. real scenesters do scene things because they want to, so if u wanna count point, better do it in ur head.

here are some things that give you scene points
scene clothes-2 points for each item-only clothes u have worn within the past 2 weeks count
scene hair-2 points for every color, 3 for spikes or poofiness, bangs are required
scene s/n or user name-1 additional point per x
peircings-1 point per piercing, 2 if none of ur friends have the same 1 as u
going to shows-10 points for each show you've been to in the past month
food-in the last 2 weeks, 1 point for each energy drink, 1point for each instant
soup, take away 2 points for every day you've eaten meat
belts, pins, necklaces-2 points for each bullet or studded belt, 1 point for every plain belt, 1 point for every pin worn, 2 if it's for PETA or a band that no one knows, 1 point for every oversized or scene necklace worn
scene obsession-1 point for every current obsession
bands-2 points for every band you listen to thats not on iTunes, 10 points for every band member or scene queen ( including guys) you're friends with, 2 points for every band member you've gone out w/ in the past 2 weeks

note-scene points can only be given for things that happened in the past 2 weeks
double points for anything on that list if it's DIY

you lose scene points if you admit they exist

by xradxcorex April 14, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kid

scene kids all have the same qualities, both male and female. straight, choppy hair covering one eye. heavy eyeliner that makes it look like they fell asleep in makeup, 2+ hair colors, usually different colored bangs. they say stuff like "kthxbai" and talk in texting codes where vowels seem to disappear like "omfg i wana bangbang jesse's face and lyk eat hurr babies cuz she was all kthxbai wen i wnt 2 her howse". tight, girl pants some kind of dinosaur or kiddie shirt with a ninja turtles bookbag and a pair of slip on vans or ballet slippers. they all have a myspace and say things like "new pics so wtf r u waiting 4 go comment duh bitches" and whether or not they go to shows/listen to hxc music they post on their myspaces how much they love shows and how many they've been to. usually take pictures of themselves in their bathroom from a downwards angle so you can't see all of their face. Most scenesters are actually hot but when they were in middle school they got kicked out of the preppy circle so they became "xcore" and decided they were an individual. also, they ALL have a nickname like "(their name) diesel!" or "(their name) + x + (something that rhymes with it) like "shannonxcannon" or, like me, xBram-I-Amx. also, they separate everything with 'x's.

"omg these pants are the SEX"

"ya they are. my hair looks so choppy today but i dont think i used enough eyeliner...."

"ya i think ur rite...i can actually see ur eyes!"

"omg dont tell me that! ima go straighten my hair until it covers my eyes if i cant just black them out!"

"omg that scene kid over there is staring at us!"

"why? he doesnt even kno us lyk that..."

by xBram-I-Amx December 28, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

a scene kid is someone who thinks they are the best.
they usually have a couple of thousand friends on myspace.
and know everyone who is in the "scene" in their hometown.
"the scene"
is usually based in the home city, and some of the ranks are "new scene" "old scene" and other names of that nature.
people who are "new scene"
have only recently started coming to town, and will usually be treated like they are no-one.
because in the scene,
the ones who have been there the longest will always rule.
scene kids usually go to gigs everyweekend, and drink goon quite a bit.
they will wag school just to come to town everyday.
and not care about anything other than how many friends and "scene points" they have.
they wear tight jeans, and tight band shirts.
jackets with fur on the edge of the hood, or band hoodies.
eyeliner is suitable for both girls and boys.
they will either have sholder length hair spiked up at the back, or the girls will have hair extensions at the bottom of their hair.
Hair colour is usually black, brown or blonde.
straightening their hair is a must.
there is not just one type of "scene kid"
there are many
here are a few:

The vegetarian scene kid:
is vegetarian and gets drunk everyweekend.
they dont care much for anything other than scene points and goon.

The straightedge hardcore:
doesnt drink, smoke or do drugs.
has a shaven head, and spends all his centrelink money on gigs.
thinks they are not scene because they dont hang with the normal scene kids, but they are as bad, if not worse than the normal scene kids.
they love breakdowns and hardcore!
most of them are normal scene kids turned hardcore.
they are pathetic!

The glamourous girl scene kid:
she wont look like a normal scene kid,
she has blonde hair with hair extensions,
expensive make up,
metro clothes,
but she hangs with all the scene boys.
loves skinny guys with fringes.

there are many more types of scene kids
but i cbf writing about them!
scene kids spend most of their time either in town or on myspace, they photoshop their pictures and have stupid septum piercings, lip piercings, monroe piercings ect.
example of a scene girl
they will always have fake stupid last names,
usually to do with death.
kiki kannibal
most scene kids love audrey kitching and zui (trashy life)
and think that trashy things are cool.
they also love jeffree star (ew)
who is some ugly transvestite thing

scene kids, kiki kannibal, jeffree star, audrey kitching, oliver sykes. ect

by KaDy_xxx August 31, 2007

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scene kids

Scene kids are annoying kids who take a million pictures of themselves. They claim they're "different" and "unique" but if you look up a scene queen they'll all look the same. Obnoxiously big hair, too small clothes, too much makeup. They love to complain about other people who live their normal lives. They instantly reject anyone who isn't scene

(anyone who's normal).

scene scene kids scene queen annoying people obnoxious

by Krazy K Killa July 5, 2012

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