Adjective: When your bottle water is watered down with tap water. Usually brought out in an open bottle at a high scale restaurant.
Hey MK, does this acqua panna taste like chilled tap water?
Hey MV, yes I think they quasi tapped us.
1. In need of sleep or rest after having sexual intercourse.
2. When a man puts his sexual partner in many different positions and said partner gets tired because of it.
1. “Can you go one more round?” “No, sorry babe I’m tapped.”
2. “How was it with Will last night?” “It was wild. I tapped out after Round 1!”
Rory - “Oi nathan, you heard of that tapped cunt called chase”
Nathan - “Yeah mate heard he bin dives outside of matalan for his clobber”
Rory - “Tosser”
Tapped is a describing word for ugly
“That girl is tapped, she’s ugly”
Basically a mental person or lunatic that seriously shouldn't be a part of society for safety reasons you may know someone is tapped as they tend to laugh at their own unfunny jokes makes uncalled for inappropriate comments at the wrong times
I cant lie Stephen is Bare Tapped