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Not an orginization that wants to kill Jews, some people are just stupidly narrow-minded. The National Socialist view was not to kill all jews but to make a prime race. The perfect race. Neo Nazi's are more against races that are not white/caucasion. The Nazi's did nothing different then what Caeser did.

American History X is the best example of neo-nazi's

by Iceman March 10, 2005

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Nazi housekeeping

A reference to the Nazi zombies game in the Call of Duty franchise. It is a derogatory term that highlights the game's focus on rebuilding barriers, running away form the zombies, and generally doing anything except kill zombies.

Bob: "Have you really been playing Nazi housekeeping for 6 hours straight?"
Rob: "You just don't understand the strategy man"

Bob: "get a life... or at least play regular call of duty"

by TexasSouthWest January 19, 2011

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Grammar Nazi

Generally, a person who corrects others' speech or writing for the purpose of feeling superior. However, rare exceptions exist, wherein the term is applied to those who have become tired of the constant abuse of language, are not aware that their behavior warrants application of the term and are genuinely trying to help their peers, or have been editing their friends' essays for eight hours and cannot bear another misplaced preposition.

Friend 1: "Hey, that's the TV remote! Where was it at?"
GN ( malicious type) : "'At''s a preposition, don't end a sentence that way."
Former Friend 1: "Your intolerable, you malicious grammar nazi!"

Foreign Friend 2: "I will see you next next week!"
GN (genuine or unaware type): "I will see you the week after next too!"

by Webster'sSecondCousin March 24, 2015

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grammARGH Nazis!

grammar Nazi: a person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language usage of others, especially in situations where it is unnecessary e.g. an informal conversation.

argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration.

grammARGH Nazis!: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration about grammar Nazis.

"grammARGH Nazis!" - says a pirate

by Pseudonymthewild@gmail.com March 10, 2013

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Nazi terrible

A term used to describe the awful quality of aircraft built by the Nazis.

Bob: So what do you think of my blueprints?
Joe: This is...wow. How do i put this? It's Nazi terrible.

by the So Fine December 17, 2010

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Nazi Punk

A nazi punk is a stupid poser who gives all of punk a bad image. Real punk is anti rascist they are rascist. These ARE NOT REAL PUNKS!! Punks are anarchist Nazi punks are fascist. They listen to their own white power music that sounds similar but is the exactly the opposite. Nazi punks are the same as white power skinheads.

Look at all those stupid nazi punk posers coming out of that skrewdriver concert.

by THCLSD420 July 30, 2013

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delete nazi

n: Someone who deletes postings in social media sites, blog comments, etc. frequently and without reason.

Benjamin Franklin : I posted a comment to Tommy's facebooks page, and he deleted it. So I posted something else later, and he deleted that to!

George Washington: Yeah, Jefferson's a bit of a delete nazi.

Benjamin Franklin: Totally! What a douche.

by Johnny Toxin August 8, 2011

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